Rose Embroided pillow

It’s time to write about a finished embroidery project, and it is a rose embroidery sewn into a pillow by me, iHanna!

Rose pillow I made

I ordered this embroidery kit from a picture in a catalog at my local yarn store. It was 275 SEK, which I think is a lot of money for a pillow. I should’ve waited for something cheaper at Ebay, but I so wanted to make a rose of some sort around Christmas, so I bought this new. It is 40 x 40 centimeters and made by Verachtert in Belgium.

I really like the sparkly colours (green and pink!), but was a bit disappointed when I found out that the yarn is acrylic. Rose pillow - backside I thought it was rather fun that the cross stitches are enormous, huge really, but it looks kind of dorky now that I’ve finished it.

Oh, well. I’ve learned something more about what I like and don’t like I guess.

It was easy to sew, a bit like a colouring book for kids. The backside fabric is bought especially for this purpose (just got a very small piece). It is white with a kind of white silhouette of roses.

Rose pillow

I used to do a lot of cross stitching when I was in my teenage years. I did a green dinosaur with a dino baby in a egg for my little brother when he was born, among a lot of other patterns. I haven’t embroidered anything for years, but it was kind of satisfying seeing the colours spreading on the fabric. I will do more roses soon. In wool!

PS: Valentine Card by iHanna It’s February all ready, the new year is one month already!

You can visit my shop I shop with mom for a Valentine Sale there, and get your cute Valentine Card too. I made it, and printing it on mat photo paper makes is so beautiful – a collage that almost looks like a photo. I love it.

Found the site My transfers recently, it is filled with scans of vintage embroidery projects.

Have fun!

11 Responses

  1. Hi iHanna,
    thanks for passing by and leave a comment, I’m sorry you didn’t understand a word, I was just recommending some blogs I’ve found out recently, yours it’s one of them ;)

  2. What a fresh new beautiful look your blog has Hanna. I love all the bright pinks and the touches of green! Just like your embroidery!

  3. you have a beautiful site.i enjoy reading your posts and looking at the images. you are truly a creative woman. by the way, i like the sculture, also.

    i like your name-reminds me of my favorite niece.

  4. I used to cross stitch all of the time. I haven’t thought about it for years. I have done some needlepoint recently though. Thanks for reminding me!

  5. Hei Hanna!

    Puta di med den broderte rosa er nydelig. Den passet ogs? veldig godt i stolen din. Jeg likte ogs? baksidestoffet s? godt, da kan du jo snu den n?r du f?r lyst til ? se noe annet. Det var lurt.

    Bloggen din er blitt s? fin, banneren var virkelig stilig. Det er g?y med litt forandring.

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