Computer time

Crayons My names day is early each year. Today I got a parcel from mom who has been in Thailand, a belated names day gift. It was filled with Hello Kitty fun; an orange t-shirt, a cell phone cozy in furry fabric and little trinkets. Plus a very cute Hello Kitty watch. I think it is the first time in four years I have a watch on my wrist!

hELLO KItty!

I will keep wearing it because I like it. And maybe if I check it every now and then I will soon be able to get back into normal routine, like staying awake in the daytime and sleeping in the night time. When I move my hand I see little sparkles on the watch face; mother of pearl shimmer.

Have you done your daily surfing time today? Here is a small treat of mine: Style Court, CraftyPod’s New years resolutions, Alicia’s beautiful studio, found an article on homepage of Ideal Home Magazine who has a whole album filled with room inspiration and articles like this one! I also found the blog My Simpler Life with lots of great headlines that I want to read more off, and via Keri Smith an article called Nothing New Here — And That’s the Point in the Washington Post. It is about a couple of friends who decided not to buy anything new in a whole year. Lovely and exiting i you ask me. I don’t think I could commit though, not for a whole year. I followed a link to a envelope tutorial that made me smile, I just did a bunch of envelopes out of old maps the other day. I need to take a photo of them and post here.

Owl bookmark And since yesterday, when I browsed through a book called Yllebroderier at Maria’s, I’ve been thinking about embroidery a lot more than usual, but my love for embroidery started much earlier. This Sunday I was admiring Alfhilde bird pillow from IKEA at our friends place. I just sat there and looked and looked. And no, I don’t want to buy one, I want to make on! Of course. Then I found a site called Embroiders Guild and when searching for the subject at google I found Karins webbplats where I linked on to her miniature house and wool embroidery page handaslöjd! Lots of things to look at there.

Snow owlAt Ebay I’ve won a new rose embroidery today, and surfed around to much there! I can’t decide if I want to bid on these fun book end owls from Japan or white ones from Italy?! Or maybe none of them.

I haven’t made anything Valentine yet, so I’m not signing up for this fun swap of Valentine Paper Dolls even though I want to – yet.

11 Responses

  1. Vilken supergullig klocka!!! Sj?lva armbandet med kittytrycket var ju bara det j?ttes?tt. Nu hade jag egentligen t?nkt att g? och l?gga mig, men som det nu ser ut med alla roliga l?nkar s? blir jag v?l sittandes fram till sm?timmarna. Tack f?r det! *fnissar*

  2. ?h, jag hade ocks? en Hello Kitty-klocka en g?ng, en rund liten en, den m?ste ligga n?gonstans och skr?pa.

    Broderi ?r det enda jag inte har lust att pr?va mer (?nd? ska jag snart ha en trosbroderiworkshop). Det ?r alldeles f?r t?lmodigt f?r mig, men otroligt vackert och beundransv?rt. Ser fram emot att se fin f?gelkuddeversion… (har en fr?n IKEA, den ?r s?t)

  3. Happy Name Day! I used to have a European friend who celebrated her name day – I thought it sounded like a fabulous idea! The goodies your mum sent look like fun.

    Now, I’m going to go check out some of those links…

  4. Happy Name Day to you!… and thankyou for sharing so many great links. I often visit your blog and always find it inspiring.

  5. Happy name day! Your prezzies look great. And so many links! I’ll try and check out a few now.
    Cheers, lj

  6. Oh my, Alicia’s studio is exquisite! That bird pillow is pretty, too. I am getting really interested in embroidery lately, I’m going to have to start exploring that a little more! Thanks for the great links.

  7. Happy name day! sells the lim sticks for 49:-…you get 5 in different sizes from 10grams up to 35 grams. When I go home in february, I know they are way cheaper there!

  8. A belated, but heartfelt Happy Name Day, to you, Hanna!
    The miniature Elm Cottage is so cute, and I love the colors of Alicia’s sewing studio – thank you for the links.
    Wishing you a happy and bright New Year!

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