Ribbon Embroidery on lavender bags

I’ve been making small lavender bags in white fabric, filling them with dried lavender flowers from my parents garden.

Lavender bag experimenting

When you bring the flowers out, they are still lilac and smells very strong, but put in the bag the smell gets more subtle and it is pure lovely.

I’ve been experimenting with how to decorate them, applique, lace or just a plain Ribbon Embroidery. When I started I didn’t know, but the white fabric is really romantic, so I went with that.

Lavender bags with ribbon embroidery I remembered I had some ribbons for Ribbon Embroidery and started to make small roses in pink, white and red. It was time consuming, but fun, and the result makes me smile. They all turned out different but nice.

Lavender bags with ribbon embroidery I also added some felt fabric as leafs, and embroidered green shafts for the roses.

What do you think? I’ve made quite a few now!

Skull mini bagThis skull was cut out many months ago and has moved around the house for a while since. I really like the shape of it, but didn’t know what to add it to… So now I sewed it to a black linen fabric and gave it to my mom, she liked it a lot. Guess she’ll have to show this one to the skull enthusiast at her work.



In other news, 12 people call this photo a favorite on flickr right now:

Rönnbär i snö

I only took it yesterday at a winter walk with no sunlight but lots of inspiration. I just had to take the camera out all the time!

Rönnbär i snö

The world was covered with snow, and everything was just beautiful for a while. This morning the bike ride was a mess, with ice, running water, dirt and snow (snöblask!) on the road.

I’d rather sit inside, drink coffee and remember how Swedish summers can be:

Lavendel luktar gott

Though it’s a good thing we have seasons for different things.

17 Responses

  1. Fy f?r sn? och svensk vinter! (jag hade tur som ?kte iv?g lagom till sn?kaoset). J?ttes?ta p?sar, jag beundrar dig som har t?lamod att brodera vackra rosor.

  2. I love your winter pictures! The red berries and dark twigs against the snow! The dry grasses in the snow, with the forest and sky in the background! The bare trees! Wonderful.

  3. i love the little skull lavendar bags, very cool idea, you should make more of them, they would make really good christmas presents :)

  4. oh – lovely lavender! fabulous bags – I must stop reading blogs right now and go and make something!!!
    thank you

  5. Oh, I can almost smell those sachets! They’re beautiful! And your flickr photos bring a whole new world, too. The berries are beautiful and also that mushroom you once posted a picture of. Don’t tell anyone, but I didn’t even know such polka dotted red mushrooms really existed!

  6. Jag fotade ocks? r?nnb?rsklasarna under sina sn?t?cken h?romdan, d? n?r v?rlden blev vit h?r i Ume?…hur fint som helst! Tr?kigt att det t?ade sedan. Nu ?r det ju bara halt ?verallt, och inte alls lika vackert.

  7. they look really cool. I just made a rice heating bag with some lavendar in it too. it smells so good when i heat it up, just makes me relax.

  8. De er s? vakre lavendelposene dine; tittet innom shopen om de var der jeg :-) ?nsker deg en god skapende uke!!

  9. These lavender bags are adorable. You should put them on an Etsy shop and sell them. What cute little stocking stuffers they would be:) I live outside of St. Louis, Missouri and there is a lavender farm not a mile down the road. I love driving by with the windows down….smelling the sweet smell the flowers bring. They have a little shop on the property where they sell lotions, pillows, shampoo, soap etc. all made from their lavender. You can also pay 12.00 and cut a bouquet of lavender yourself. Really lovely little treat!

  10. The bags are delightful. I also make them out of white material, with gingham tops, onto which I have embroidered small flowers, so they look very like your lovely bags. How lovely to see the photos too. Best wishes

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