Studio Friday | Inspiration indulgence

Today the subject of Tine Sparkle’s Studio Friday theme is Studio indulgences. First I thought of materials then of candy. But I’ve written a lot about my materials and tool, and I don’t eat candy when I create. I don’t it much candy at all. So I thought I’d share some of my off line spiritual and inspirational indulgences: magazines and books with lots of pictures!

Svenska b?cker

These Swedish books are some of the many many I’ve been reading this month. The first one is Sticka & virka by Cilla Ramnek (it was a Christmas gift last year I think) and the rest of these are from the library. I love the fun bags in Cilla’s second book, but the descriptions are not very detailed or easy to follow. I’ve owned the book Hus på landet before, and read and reviewed it at Bokkanalen in 2002, but when I found it at the library this year I wanted to read it again – and at 30 the text says so much more than it did before. A review today would also say something else.

And in October I finally treated myself with some magazines, these are two of them:

Magazin galore

I wanted to get Country living that I’ve been recommended, and I had a great surprise with a low price and a interesting mag. A great read with lots of interior design inspiration and beautiful pictures. But the best part was that I finally got a copy of the magazine Marie Claire idées, which I’ve only read good things about and have been really wanting to read for a couple of months!

French mom? It was the only issue on the shelf, and I grabbed it and pressed it to my heart. I think they had specially ordered a copy for me, because I’ve asked for it twice before.

And yes, it was good. Very good. Lots of inspiration, beautiful craft projects and interior design to fall in love with. And I can’t read a word in it, but it was still worth the money I spent on it. And mom just loved it too, she was ooohing and aaahing for quite a while when looking at the pictures. I specially like the paper art projects (more pictures from this and other magazines at flickr).

Magazines are expensive in Sweden, and imported ones like these have a even higher price. But sometimes you can get a great deal when thrifting…

Allt i hemmet

This is a pile of 12 magazine from 2004 that I bought for 10 SEK, and have been looking through all week. So much beauty to enjoy, I love that! I love indulging in inspiration from diverse areas of life, but magazines and books are some of the easiest to find and bring home, plus I love reading them in bed before I go to sleep. It is not to be compared to the internet, and I don’t think that books will ever be extinct because of the web. Where ever I surf I get new information on books and magazines I have to read because they sound sooo nice! And I see that as a good thing.

The My little Ponies was a thrifted gift for my friend who collects Hasbro horses! After I bought these I’ve been thinking of what to toys to collect, and thought I might want a Blythe doll… I’ve never seen one first hand, only on the internet. But my gosh, they are pricey! No Blythe for me, but it was interesting to read about Blythe dolls online.

9 Responses

  1. Jag ?LSKAR Marie Claire Id?es – s? snygg och inspirerande (och dyyyr, p? plats i Frankrike ocks?), k?per med den hem s? ofta jag kommer ?t n?r jag bes?ker Frankriket. Och att virka med en fransk beskrivning ?r alltid en extra utmaning :)

    Sticka & virka ?r ocks? h?rlig. Jag tycker den ?r befriande, allt ?r s? “fulfint”, s? fullt av skapargl?dje. Visste inte att hon har gjort en v?skbok, n?r kom den?

  2. Hey Hannah — oh yes, the thrill of foreign magazines…YUM! I subscribe to the French Marie Claire Ide?s — even when the projects are dissapointing the photos are a delight. Still enjoying your blog (WONDERFUL RUG!) Your friend from the South (well, most places are south for you..)

  3. Jag l?nade Sticka & virka p? biblioteket och ?r glad att jag inte k?pte den. Jag hittade ingenting d?r som jag ville g?ra! Allt var s? knasigt :-D

  4. Thankyou for sharing the images from your magazine. So much creativity to inspire out there just makes my heart sing excitedly.
    I love the photo of your mother all tucked up with magazine and snoozing cat beside her.

  5. Hi! What fun your post was. I also posted about books as my big studio indulgence. Hey, if you like house and design and art magazines, and don’t mind out of date ones (in English), I can send you an envelope full. Just e-mail me!

  6. I want that cozy quilt you’re snuggled up in! I’m a book-a-holic also. I’ll need to find a way to get my hands on a some great Swedish craft books — they look fantastic. And of course Country Living is awesome for inspiration.

  7. Oh, I want a Blythe doll too! Alas the cost is just to much *weeps* but save up for one! Because they are just so COOL!

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