The wedding photographer

Fotografen Our friends Johan and Maria got married this weekend. We had the best time ever in the finish archipelago where the brides parents live. I was honored (and very nervous) to be the one to take the wedding picture (+200). It was an hour before the ceremony and I wasn’t dressed yet… But the photos was important and I jumped in my dress before church, and all went well.

We wanted the beautiful coast line behind the beautiful couple, and it was just so great! Thank you sun for shining on us!

I’m pleased with the result. A lot of the 200 pictures are crap, but some are okay, and since the couple was so great I think it was easy to work with them. Some are funny, some are strange, some are just as they should be: romantic and beautiful.

Johan & Maria

Maria & Johan b/w

Wedding flowers

  • More pictures here

5 Responses

  1. Dear Hanna,

    I think your wedding photographs are lovely. Actually some of the sweetest I’ve seen in a long time. While every shot might not have been “perfect” you captured sweetness and love and romance and all the things that are supposed to be present at a wedding. I especially loved the wedding bouquet.

    Your blog is delightful.

    Best wishes,

  2. I just looked at the photos and they are sooo great! Must have been a lot of fun taking them!

  3. They are a beautifull couple !! Best wishes for the future . Things can’t go wrong with your tree in their garden:)

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