Personal Postcards and Decorated Envelopes

It is so fun and easy to make personal postcards for friends and family. Make a personal postcard for someone you care for – or even for a stranger in a swap, it can still be personal if you put yourself in it.

Envelope with collage

To walk to the post office with the postcard stamped and tucked into my handbag makes me happy and satisfied. I like that I that easily can spread some love into the world. I hope to inspire you to make some postcards in your own style with this post.

Try it, it is so fun!

What to create on a postcard then? You can draw, paint, collage, take photos, alter a postcard you’ve received… Anything goes!

Personal Postcards by iHanna

Here are some recent ones I’ve made, for friends and family. This first postcard was made for one of my favorite friends and sent of because I miss her. We haven’t lived in the same city for the last four years.

Personal Postcards for a girlfriend, collage postcard by iHanna #vintage
Girlfriend Personal Postcard.
Krya på dig Maria Edvall // Get well soon greeting card
Krya på dig means get well, and was sent to a friend who was in the hospital but now is getting better. I just had to make it when I found out she was sick.

And my mail art envelope for the Fairy Swap that I forgot to post a picture of before:

Envelope for mail art

Thanks for visiting and letting me share some mail art stuff today.

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10 Responses

  1. Really beautiful postcards! I love the first one, but the get well card and your envelope are all stunning!

  2. These are all so lovely – what a thoughful friend you are. The envelope is particularly striking – such fun!

    I adore the bracelets in your last post too. They look absolutely gorgeous – the fabric is beautiful

  3. Thank you for your comment on my site! Now I have discovered your blog and I am coming back :-) You have lots of beautiful,creative things here!! :-)

  4. The envelope is great!
    The cards are beautiful too, and I completely identify with that feeling you described – going to the post office to mail the postcard.
    Are you familiar with Postcards4peace.livejournal?

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