Art Doll | Ella with roses in her hair

Art doll by iHanna
Art doll #5, made in January 2006 by iHanna.

Thanks for all your nice comments about the fabric ATC’s yesterday. I’m thrilled, didn’t expect that you’d like them that much.

Ella made by iHannaI made another art doll when I was at home during Christmas. If you remember, I had a crazy creative phase at that time. Made lots of different stuff; knitted, sewed, printed for fabric and crocheted. I hope it will be like that during the Easter holiday too!

This art doll is my fifth art doll, and her name is Ella, decorated with roses and pearls in her green yarn hair.

She is also a creative muse that will in her own way help you fight your inner devils of procrastination and fears…

Materials are beads, fabric, wonderful fun green yarn, lace and magazine clippings for eyes and the big mouth, that will tell any fears to f**k of! ;-)

10 Responses

  1. Oh wow!!!
    I am thrilled with excitement here hanna about Ella!!!! She is absolutely amazing! the green makes her so magical, like one of the fairy gnomes from Astrid lindgren’s ‘Ronja’, you know, almost like the flying raven creatures (those were by far the scariest things). i love the sparkles and glitter of her hair, too and that diamond she carries…sweet!!!!
    Did you make other art dolls beofre her and My? I wanna see them all!!!!

  2. Hanna, I love you but you need your head examined. (You’ll get it for your birthday, don’t worry!) That’s a really weird looking creature. I like her jewelry though. ;)

  3. Hanna,

    I love your art dolls. Your work is rich, bright and a complete delight to the eyes. I love it!

  4. Really like this doll. She seems beautiful and fragile and at the same time wild and natural! Perhaps she’s a good witch that will bring us spring sooon!

  5. lol… my name is ella.. is that really what i look like…. WOW i must look pretty good… =]…. good work hannah i like you ella doll its very intreging

  6. wow…my name too is Ella. I really do not look anything like that.
    Ella G of Adelaide, SA

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