ATC in fabric

Fabric ATC 05

I’ve made a couple more ATC:s in fabric this month. It was fun, using my own scraps this time.

Pile of ATC

Fabric ATC 06

Fabric ATC 05

Fabric ATC 04 Fabric ATC 01

Fabric ATC 03 Fabric ATC 02

Wich do you like?

23 Responses

  1. These are lovely. I like the picture of them all stacked up in a pile and I agree with the comment by Hanne that the one with the star in the middle is my favorite.

  2. i like the one all the way at the top the best – and they look so great all together, don’t they? fun!

  3. I like the pink and brown with the little blue roses and a ribbon tag. I think that tag adds that something special. Fun! I never thought about doing fabric ATCs like that!

  4. My favorite is at bottom right, the peach one with a diamond pattern. I like the way you added just one simple piece –a sort of out-of-shape diamond with a rose in it. Simple, elegant, well balanced design–hard to believe it’s a tiny ATC.

  5. Hi Hanna, thanks so much for commenting on my blog! I had to check yours out, and may I say that I absolutely love these fabric ATC’s!! I love the “messiness” or “primitiveness” of them, and the mixture of fabrics- very nice! I’ll check back!

  6. They are all beautiful. I used to make atc’s a lot but haven’t made any for so long. Yours are truly very pretty. I think you’ve motivated me to play with atc’s again!

  7. Are they hanging ornaments, or – ? (ooo I’m gonna feel silly when someone answers that!)

    I like the first blue one best; I like the way a bit of it sticks out of the rectangle ^_^

  8. I’ve always wanted to make a quilt using that technique, never quite gotten around to it though. my favorite is the second row, right side, with the star shaped bit.


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