The fun of Tutorials

The fun of tutorials. I love tutorials, because they contain information on how to create something – and loads of inspiring images of finished crafts. And online there are quote a few free ones, as you might have noticed. I love that!

My pointy kitty - photo by Hanna Andersson aka iHanna

I love finding good tutorials that are inspiring and that helps me create. There are so many fun ideas out there and so many different crafts that I want to get my hands on and try out!

I want to send out a big Thank You! to all of you who take the time to make craft and art tutorials, and publish them for free on the net. You guys rock!

You can find all my fun tutorials here.

Mittens for mom - photo by Hanna Andersson aka iHanna

For example, I know lots of you like to make mittens or gloves from a felted wool sweater. Check out my tutorial on how to Redo a slip over. I think it might inspire you to try it if you haven’t already.

I’ve added a new category called Tutorials to my blog, since I think it would be fun to publish more of those. This is where I will post ideas that I can inspire and teach you how to make, or maybe how to use special materials. The few tutorials I’ve made so far are not really great (didn’t plan them from the beginning to the end), but I think the most important thing is to “get your brain started” and a tutorial, even a short and rather simple one, might inspire that. To just make you see how I use my material might help, and to follow along in my thought process might be a great way to get started. I hope so.

Fun tutorials

I hope you like my blog and please let me know if there is any fun tutorials you’d like me to create in the future.

7 Responses

  1. i think that’s a great idea hanna – tack sa mycket! i’m always one for tutorials and always grateful when the pros share their wisdom :) as i’m a relative beginner i find tutorials really help – i usually print them out and keep them in a folder…there is only one problem…never enough time in the day to try them all out!! have a lovely monday x

  2. Hi Hanna! Thanks for popping by earlier:) I must say I love your blog! And so much to learn from you. I got myself a sewing machine last month but I haven’t had the chance to get my hands on it yet…hopefully soon!

    Hope you have a nice day there-!


  3. Nice idea to publish a list of tutorials that you have used. I also love to find them. The instructions are so much better from “real people” than from books I think! Thanks for taking the time – I will check these out.

  4. Thanks for the great tutorial links! Your slipover mittens are beautiful. I wish I had a slipover like that to redo :-)

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