Dear Santa Wish list 2005

Today, I’m pretending I’m eight years old, and still getting lots of presents for Christmas! This is my list for Santa.’


Dear Mr Santa

Åhlens (big department store here in Sweden) have started to sell a new line of Japanese stuff from a company named Muji, and don’t we westerners just love letters that we can’t read? I just fell in love with their simple notebooks and their transparent acrylic storage stuff! Imagine some of those in a craft room… filled with your craft junk… Beautiful! I wouldn’t mind getting a batch of gel ink pens 0.5 size for Christmas either (or these just because the package is so cool)!

When mom was here she bought me a soap from Muiji, see photo above. I love it, it’s so simple yet so smart with the transparent plastic and the trey beneath to collect the water. And the soap smells lovely of citrus.

On my wish list

Here are some more stuff I want for Christmas this year:

On the other hand, I need books too, right? These crafty books are on my wish list too this year:

I would also like everything I haven’t gotten from my first wish list, please (not the pastels, I bought them myself and Tiff sent me two great micron pens so I don’t need more this year!). Post inspired by Studio Friday: LET’S PRETEND!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


11 Responses

  1. I’ve added a couple of things to my list, courtesy of your suggestions!
    I love ScrapCast but was so bummed that nothing has been posted in the LONGEST time. :(

    Thanks for the suggestions!

  2. I was gonna post my Christmas List to Santa too—
    I hope he’s good to you this year! Fingers crossed for a crafty haul!

  3. Hi Hanna-

    I love the Lynne Perrella book (her newest one) Alphabetica. It is on my wish list too. She has a three page spread in this month’s ME Home Companion Magazine.


  4. Hanna, I want to be eight years old again, too — I also have quite the wish list. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you get lots of the goodies on your list!

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