A notebook collectors wet dream

My friend Ellinor in one of our favorite paper shops. It’s small but has a very nice selection of beautiful papers, pens, notebooks, albums, stamps and stuff.

When I visited last they had hang these very beautiful Japanese papers in the window, folded like cranes. I just had to take a photo of them, because I couldn’t buy anything.

Other places I’d like to go shop in is Creative Papir in Denmark and Kates Paperie in New York or why not Paper Source?! Wow, aren’t those some cool places that one could spend time at? For me it’s like going to an art museum when I go into a good paper shop! Too bad the special papers I fall in love with are so expensive and that shops like these are so rare in Sweden…

What’s your favorite paper and where do you buy it?

I love papers, notebooks, pens and all things desky so much!

9 Responses

  1. This shop is lovely! My favorite spot is Paper Source. Fortunately…or unfortunately for my wallet…there’s one about 5 minutes from where I work!

  2. A couple of years ago I made my own paper from nettles and petals from marigolds. It was great fun and maybe worth trying again, just need time and som space…

  3. Is it Christmas?!

    I love the shop! I’d probably just ooh and aah over the items for sale. I love paper too but haven’t gotten around to buying some. There aren’t that many good paper stores here!

  4. I love paper and stationery shops too. My favourite in London is Paperchase. It is a huge store and they have amazing prints on their products and everything is colour co-ordinated.

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