Another New Journal I love a fresh start, don’ you? A few years ago when I was at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham… Categories Crafts/Creativity & Life/Journaling & Notebooks
Books for paper lovers & collage artists How to find ephemera, pretty papers and things to cut out I am a sucker for pretty papers, but as a… Categories Inspiration/Read a book
Collecting Christmas Papers Right now my desk is filled with paper projects. It’s the end of the year feelings, where I go through boxes… Categories Thrift & Recycle
Binder Transformation I love finding office supplies at the thrift store! Sometimes I’ll find postcards or a pile of unused notecards, but not… Categories Paper Crafting/Tutorials
Art journal peek: Home of random things Another quick glossy collage in my art journal, contradicting the “art” part but very much feeling like “a journal”. Like a… Categories Art journaling
Crafts from gift leftovers – an e-book review What to do with leftover Christmas cards, wrapping paper and those shimmering curly ribbons you get year after year? I always… Categories Read a book
Collage time during the Holidays Today I must say like Jeannine of four rooms blog who wrote; So much to “report” but my inner-reporter is –… Categories Art journaling/Inspiration
Dotted shirt Bokrea is a annual happening in Sweden. It’s when all book stores start the big book sale of the year on… Categories Home Comforts/Inspiration
Ugly old books gets New Clothes If you have ugly books in your shelf, does that make the entire room ugly? Not now, you can change all that… Categories Creativity & Life/Paper Crafting