What is guaranteed to us in life? After I sent out a newsletter earlier this year, containing an invitation to take part in the DIY Postcard Swap that… Categories iHanna philosophy/Mail bliss
New Year, New Diary It’s a new year, actually a whole new decade! I have high hopes that this year and the coming decade will… Categories iHanna philosophy/Inspiration/Journaling & Notebooks
Finding yourself in your Art Journal People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily. Zig Ziglar When… Categories Art journaling/Creativity & Life
Can new washi tape make you Happy? True confession time: I balance between knowing that you can’t buy happiness, and then doing it anyway at times. Yes, spending… Categories Inspiration/Journaling & Notebooks/Paper Crafting
Finding the Invincible-blogger-self Blogging for over ten years, one of my biggest identities as a grown up has been that I am a blogger,… Categories Digital Life
Journaling practice: Ask Questions Asking questions is a good place to start any relationship. But how often do you stop to ask some really important… Categories Creativity & Life/iHanna philosophy/Journaling & Notebooks
The Pulse of mixed media by Seth Apter The successful artist finds a way to mine their inner emotions and reveal these through their art in a way that… Categories Read a book
The importance of a Home The simplest questions are the most profound. Where were you born? Where is your home? Where are you going? What are… Categories Home Comforts/in list form
The creative process is a crooked road Index Card, July 1 2011. In this post, a few of my index cards, from July 1st to July 10th. I… Categories Collage/iHanna philosophy
How to find the answers you need I realized I had to make things; it was no longer just a hobby. It became my new anti-depressant.Lisa Congdon *… Categories Creativity & Life/iHanna philosophy
The inside of my brain Yesterday I finished my Moleskine diary. It’s as full as my brain. Overflowing. Nothing else will fit in there right now…. Categories in list form/Journaling & Notebooks
What kind of crayon are you? You know about all those online tests you can do to find out what kind of person you are? I hardly… Categories Creativity & Life/iHanna philosophy