An ode to the Journals of my life Would you say you have a relationship with your journal(s)? If you do, you know what I mean when I tell… Categories Journaling & Notebooks
In Pandemic Times: Living in a Creative little Bubble None of us know what will happen. Don’t spend time worrying about it. Make the most beautiful thing you can. Try… Categories Creative People/Inspiration
Opening Up to Inspiration I don’t like to pack, because it makes me antsy. I start thinking about all the things I haven’t finished yet,… Categories Creativity & Life/Inspiration
Why a Whole Day of Silence is Bliss I think spending time on my own is awesome, and a whole day of silence is bliss to me. When I… Categories iHanna philosophy
The power of introverts I’m making dotted papers, and thinking that the weekly inspiration link lists are monthly… the last one was published in January…. Categories Inspiration
Book review: Living introverted by Lee Ann Lambert I have learned a lot about being introverted from writer and blogger Lee Ann Lambert who self-published a book called Living… Categories Read a book
Introverted & Creative goes together You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with. Wayne Dyer Ever wondered what’s life for an introvert… Categories Creativity & Life/iHanna philosophy
How to be Proud Enough This is a vent. Be warned. Do you tell new people that you meet that you have a blog? Do you… Categories Digital Life/iHanna philosophy
A Good Girl that Rebels against Rules and needs a reset button… I’m only doing this because Theresa tagged me, and she is one of my favorite bloggers and online friends. Mostly I… Categories in list form/Journaling & Notebooks