A Five Year Journal

Looking after yourself is the greatest act of kindness you can give the world. Loving yourself first is the best way to spread love.
Holly Bourne

Just Start stamp on iHanna's messy desk

Hello dear ones! This is first blog post of the year, and we start as we mean to go on; with full force ahead.

I used to think that my list of achievements within art, craft and creativity was so fun to compose, and maybe I should force myself to give it a try, but I simply don’t feel as into it as I used to. Probably because I haven’t had the energy to write blog posts about everything these past few years of Depression. And really, this year I don’t feel like spending another minute looking back, not on the Year of the Pandemic where an introvert like me has become utterly alone. I want to look ahead, move forward, maybe even… plan a bit?

No End Goal just Moving Along

I am not making any promises to be creative every day or making 365 collages or anything as elaborate as that. I just want some loose ideas to play around with this time. So I wrote myself a list with ideas on things to think about, ideas as starting point for further investigation. It’s nothing revolutionary or new, it’s the same old, same old. I want to do yoga, get healthier, honor my need for routine and sameness, use the textiles I already own, create artwork, write a book, sell the journals I create for selling (!) and so on. New year, same me.

The List of Ideas are probably what I have learned to love over the past 20 years, and right now I don’t know that I want to add anything new. I think it must be a sign of me learning to be myself, a sign of growing into myself (finally). Let me tell you, if you can stay healthy growing old is not too bad.

Believe in the you who believes in yourself.

So if goals feels too much for you today, might I suggest a list of things that you want more of? Maybe a happiness list?

One of the things I know I want to give a try, is writing a little blurb about each day in a special book…

iHanna's Five Year Diary Femårsdagbok 2020

Starting a Five Year Diary

I think my past five years has been less than ideal, but maybe that realization will help me move along and make small changes for a better, stronger future. Where will I be in five years from now? Probably in the same diary (LOL) as I am starting to write in my very first 5 Year Diary (Femårsdagbok in Swedish) today, Jan 1 2021. I got it for Christmas from my mom, and I have been wanting one for quite a while now. This book will almost take me to my 50th birthday, and by then I will be either heavier or lighter, stronger or weaker, more accomplished or the same, but at least I will (hopefully) have filled most of the slots in this book with simply: days. Have you ever had one of these in your life?

There are  a lot of fun “fill in the blank” journals these days, One Line A-Day Journal for example, 5 Year Journal, 5 minute Journal, Happiness Journal and Gratitude Journal and so on… All of these ideas you could, of course do in any notebook you pick out, but sometimes it might be fun with a “special notebook”. Or, who am I kidding? Any excuse to get a new notebook, right?

iHanna's Five Year Diary January 1st2020

Mine has five slots on each page, with six small lines for each day. So next year you start on page one again and fill in slot two and so on. In this way you can see what you did on that day last year and years before, that is in the future. I think that this first year will be the formative year but also the most boring, because each entry will be the first one on that page. And I have no idea if I will form a new habit or abandon this idea in a week or two, but right now I feel really excited about filling it out. There’s also room to fill out the weather, but instead of wind I think I will make a chart for mood there.  I am also writing a little instruction letter for myself to print and glue to the first page, like a reminder of what I want with my life and this journal: more joy, more creating and movement, less inactivity, sleeping in and feeling inadequate in life…

I will of course keep writing in my regular diary, long form in-depth as well as art journal and document in all current and future notebooks. The slot in this new journal (that needs a protective cover soon) is so small that there will never be enough room to dive deep. Just a little something something. Should it be the highlights, the creative ideas, gratefulness or philosophical ponderings?

What would you write?

I’d love to know what you think of the idea of the 5 year journal idea? Is it something you think will be useful along the way? In what way should I utilize it?

Happy New Creative Year my darlings!

5 Responses

  1. Today, I start my second “Some lines a day”, the first is full, every day of it, I didn’t skip a day. I love to see what I did on that day one, two, three, four, five years ago. It doesn’t take long time to write some lines, so it is totally doable! I love it.
    Happy new year, Frau Frosch

    • Yay Jorin, I’m very excited about it and since I’ve had a diary all my life, I’m sure I can do it, but it’s lovely to hear others experiences with this way of documenting life too! Thanks and Happy New Year!

  2. I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with Depression, Hanna. Thank you so much for your honesty with us, and thank you for continuing to share your life, crafty adventures, and general thoughts with us on your blog! My friends and family all know you by name – between your Postcard Swap and the courage and encouragement you’ve given me over the years to try new types of crafts/art, you’re practically famous at my house! :) Please know your are spreading happiness all the way on the other side of the world, just by being you!

    I haven’t tried a 5-year journal before, but look forward to hearing how you like working in it!

    Happy New Year, Hanna! Wishing you a happy, healthy year filled with laughter and art/craft projects you enjoy!

  3. I’ve kept a perpetual diary/journal for several years and it is a great way to surprise yourself with past happenings. Nothing earth shattering, just every day events, as most of us experience. Recently, I texted my daughter to remind her of a marathon she ran. She was shocked that I had written about that, and that it was 20 years ago!

  4. I remember as a young girl, loving the diaries I got for Christmas, and not being able to wait until the 1st of January to start writing in them. How I wish I would still have some of them to go back and read through now 50+ years later!

    It’s been many years since I’ve had a diary to write in every day. I love the idea of the 5 year journal for sure and though I won’t buy a pre-made one, I did have the thought of possibly making one from an old Happy Planner and expired pages (I could cut everything – cover and pages down to the size I want!)

    I want to echo just what Arielle said in her comment just like she said – you ARE most definitely spreading happiness all the way to the other side of the world with Hanna, just being Hanna. Love ya girl!

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