365 Collages | Week 39 | Forget Me Not

Being solitary is being alone well: being alone luxuriously immersed in doings of your own choice, aware of the fullness of your own presence rather than of the absence of others. Because solitude is an achievement. Alice Koller

Kittens for Breakfast - Collage no 266 by iHanna
Kittens for Breakfast, collage by iHanna.

Seven new ones for my 365 project, and they’re posted just before this week ends because I took the entire evening to scan, number, name, edit and uploading them – and now I’m posting them in this blog post. To share them with you, dear reader.

Thanks for being here. Let’s look at some collages. I really like these collages.

Love at the farm - Collage no 267 by iHanna
Love at the farm, collage by iHanna.

Honest to God - Collage no 268 by iHanna
Honest to God, collage by iHanna.

Dare to Enter - Collage no 269 by iHanna
Dare to Enter, collage by iHanna.

Facing the Sky - Collage no 270 by iHanna
Facing the Sky, collage by iHanna.

Dare to Enter - Collage no 271 by iHanna
Dare to Enter, collage by iHanna.

Forget Me Not - Collage no 272 by iHanna
Forget Me Not, collage by iHanna.

I would love to know if any of these compositions speak especially to you, and why. Leave me a comment below to let me know which one is your favorite of these, or if you don’t like them why that is. Thanks.

If you like these collages feel free to pin this post to your Pinterest boards:
iHanna's 365 Collages 2018 - Week 39

365 Collages Continues

This project is part of my 365 Somethings 2018 and I call it 365 Collages by iHanna.

Follow me on Facebook and then check out Pinterest. You can also check out / follow the hashtag #365somethings2018 on Instagram (where I’m @ihannas) to see what’s happening there. Want news on workshops, sales and swaps I host? Sign up for my Newsletter.

Bonus collages: Feel free to take a look at the 2013 week 39 of collages, when I did a 365 project. And leave me a comment there too, I read them all and feel very grateful if you take the time. :-)

Previously: Week 38 | Next: Week 40

4 Responses

  1. This week I’m drawn to “Love at the Farm.” Thanks for sharing your pretty collages with us! Hard to believe we’re in the final stretch of the year already! Less than 90 days until Christmas! Keep up the great work!

    • Thank you so much. Sometimes it feels like not many people care about this little blog anymore, but then I get a comment like yours and it all feels great again. Thanks.

  2. Sorry I’ve been missing your evolution in collages. Guess I’m an overachiver when it comes to solitude! I really like “Honest to God”. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. . . Partly it’s the old mechanical illustration, and especially it’s the colors, the orange & aqua bands of color across the top balanced with cream & green, and the repeated florals opposite the mechanical diagram.

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