365 Collages | Week 33 | Cut things away as you go

Fresh but Vintage - Collage no 230 by iHanna #365somethings2018
Fresh Vintage, a collage by iHanna.

Isolation is aloneness that feels forced upon you, like a punishment. Solitude is aloneness you choose and embrace. I think great things can come out of solitude, out of going to a place where all is quiet except the beating of your heart. Jeanne Marie Laskas

I am doing a 365 collage project this year, and this week I’m presenting you with seven new collages fresh from my art table. They’re a mix of printed, commercial patterned papers and my own hand-painted papers, with some magazine pieces thrown in for color and variation.

Often times I feel that I (at least try to) cut very straight and precise pieces for my square collages, but here I didn’t. I’ve let the jagged edges stay, the uneven pieces are glued down as they were. Maybe that can be another kind of beauty?

Cut things away as you go - Collage no 231 by iHanna #365somethings2018
Cut things away as you go, a collage by iHanna.

Lost from sight - Collage no 229 by iHanna #365somethings2018
Lost from sight, a collage by iHanna.

You Can not Keep Everything - Collage no 228 by iHanna #365somethings2018
You Can not Keep Everything, a collage by iHanna.

From Previous Years - Collage no 227 by iHanna #365somethings2018
From Previous Years, a collage by iHanna.

A Lost Memory - Collage no 226 by iHanna #365somethings2018
A Lost Memory, a collage by iHanna.

Waving from Before - Collage no 225 by iHanna #365somethings2018
Waving from Before, a collage by iHanna.

If you enjoy this collage series feel free to pin this image to a Pinterest board:
iHanna's 365 Collages in 2018 Week 33 #365somethings2018

Thanks for being here, and reading my blog, being a supporter and leaving me a comment below.

I really want to know which of these collages you like the best – and why? I’m curious & appreciate your comments so much. :-)

365 Collages Continues – check it out

This project is part of my 365 Somethings 2018 and I call it 365 Collages by iHanna.

Follow me on Facebook and then check out Pinterest. You can also check out / follow the hashtag #365somethings2018 on Instagram (where I’m @ihannas) to see what’s happening there. Want news on workshops, sales and swaps I host? Sign up for my Newsletter.

Bonus collages: Feel free to take a look at the 2013 week 33 of collages, when I did a 365 project. And leave me a comment there too, I read them all and feel very grateful if you take the time. :-)

Previously: Week 32 | Next: Week 34

7 Responses

  1. Thanks for sharing your pretty collages with us, Hanna! Congrats on completing Week 33! Whoohoo!! Go, Hanna, go!!

  2. Hanna, I enjoy the torn, jagged edges very much. It is much more interesting to look at.
    take care ~~rita

  3. You cannot keep everything… I think I like that one the best Hanna but I do love them all, the colors and ‘wonky cuts’ add extra interest and I love those little pieces that have text on it… have a great weekend! Love from Holland.

    • Thank you so much for visiting my blog and commenting on my ongoing 365 collage project, it means a lot to me!

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