Warm Ups | the tabbed index dividers series

Last in the row of posts about index cards this year, I’m sharing the few index dividers I made first, before the real action in June got going: the “starters”, the warm ups, the fearful first experiments – but maybe, ideas for something else too. A series of… paintings? Word prompts? A small collection of ideas.

Utmärkt painted by iHanna #icad

And let me tell you, I really enjoyed making these, even though technically they’re not index cards but the tabbed divider cards that you keep in between the index cards to find what you’re looking for. My tabs are a bit more sturdy, a lovely cream yellow and perfect to paint on. The only reason I didn’t use these all the time is because I didn’t have enough for two months…


As you can tell, the indexing letter at the top of the tab is the first letter in the random word I chose to write. The first one is Utmärkt (Excellent!), then Överallt (Everywhere) and C for…

Can you guess the word for C?

The last Tabbed Index Card I made:

B is for Beauty (index card) painted by iHanna #icad

At the end of the challenge, I got a pack of yummy pink index cards bought in England by a friend. Oh-la-laaa, am I right? I haven’t seen any colored or fun index cards around here, so these were a real treat. Does this mean I have to join ICAD next year too?

My yummy pink index cards painted by iHanna #icad

Now that I’m looking at these tabbed index cards that I painted, I think I want to paint a few more soon. One of my index cards was featured on Tammy’s blog, I also contributed to her Circle with a video. Plus, a few people just like Rebecca below, tagged me in their index cards on Facebook saying I inspired them! Love that feeling!

ICAD inspo here and there painted by iHanna #icad

Here’s three of the tabbed index dividers up on the wall:

Three warm up index cards

Wishing you all the best!

3 Responses

  1. I don’t tend to use greens or yellows much, but I really like the way these colors look on your cards. And the pink index cards look like the perfect find for you!!

  2. These are all wonderful – thanks for showing them off! I participated in ICAD this summer too and found myself doing mostly collage works on my index cards. It was fun!

  3. It was so great to see your daily cards up on Facebook, Hanna! And this post is just the icing on the cake…your art is inspiring, fun to look at, and always makes me happy.

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