Make Something (on an Index Card Perhaps) | May Inspiration en Masse

There are so many things that you can make yourself, and sometimes all you need to make something is a bit of inspiration… So that’s what I’ll try today, to provide a bit of inspiration mostly found on YouTube. There are so much yummy stuff there!

Inspiration Mosaic - March 2016 collected by iHanna at Flickr the best photo sharing/storing site
Inspiration Mosaic collected by iHanna at Flickr. Click the image to view individual photos/sources or or view big to download this mosaic or set it as a background in your computer!

Though, before we start, I just have to share this:

Stockholm Schoolism May 2016

iHanna Loves this Schoolism is coming to Stockholm – next weekend, and I’m going there! I’m super excited about learning about character design and storytelling from some of the masters of our time. It’s not something I would’ve ever signed up for myself, but when sharing the event on my Facebook page, I won the two day jam packed workshop event taking place in Stockholm! Talk about being excited!

Woohoo, feeling the luck!

If you’re new to en masse: I am posting an epic and awesome monthly link love post each month to keep us, you as well as me, inspired for the entire month. Bookmark this post and go through it all if you want to, there is a lot of inspiration, knowledge and ideas that I think are worth sharing out there. With the monthly post Inspiration en masse I bring you a lot in just one post, so if you get anything out of it I’d love to know. Or if you go visit, tell ’em iHanna sent you.

Now, let’s go make something!

Make Something on an Index Card

Why? Because it’s super fun to have a daily project. Read my resent list of 40 life lessons (in case you missed it) to learn more about why I think creating daily is important – and awesome. Here is the challenge:

ICAD 2016 - I'm doing it!
Daisy Yellow’s index-card-a-day challenge – ICAD 2016 – I’m doing it!

iHanna Loves this Join Daisy Yellow ICAD 2016 - it’s a free and fun daily summer challenge where you create something on an index card each day in June and July. I did ICAD in 2011 so it’s about time I do it again this year, right? Read the FAQ,  then join the Facebook group and let’s do this – it’s gonna be so much fun! #icad2016

iHanna Loves this Index Card Doodle video – for index card inspiration made by me, or why not watch the Index Card Collage Video I made two years ago for DaisyYellow

iHanna Loves this 13 Ways of Looking at an Index Card - if you’re not filling your index cards with art, you should still have some at hand, they’re very useful indeed!

iHanna Loves this Print Recipe Index Cards – if you can’t find index cards at home and want to get started right away, here are my free printable index cards

Make Something – anything!

iHanna Loves this  Paper mache teacup pattern – There is a template you can download here, by Ann Wood. And lots and lots of photos and instructions.

iHanna Loves this  Green DIY Wall Planter – In case you missed it: plants are thé home decor accessory of 2016. Pinterest is booming and people are loving the green items filling their homes. For me, I so want to make this giant statement wall!

Inspirational Videos

I’ve been watching a lot of watercolor videos lately. Like this one:

iHanna Loves this Starred Freckles – Watercolor + Gouache Painting Timelapse – Magic, right?

I dream about quilting something like this:

iHanna Loves this Strips and Four Patch Quilt – It’s easy to do but time consuming of course.

A movie about yarn, wouldn’t that be a fun subject for a feature film? Here is the trailer for a whole movie about Yarn! I saw it at the cinema yesterday in Stockholm and was so inspired by it! Now all I want to do is knit art…

iHanna Loves this YARN the Movie (made by Spier Films) [found via]

So worth watching if you get the chance! It was also fun to see that Swedish Tilde Björfors, the artistic project leader of Swedish contemporary circus group Cirkus Cirkör. Their big show is called Knitting Peace, featuring circus performers, and giant piles of knitting and balls of yarn. I saw it live two years ago!

My personal favorite was textile artist Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdams, who had a lot of life wisdom to share.

iHanna Loves this  Video Interview with the makers of Yarn! the movie, by Vickie Howell

iHanna Loves this The Handmade Movement (Official Trailer) – shows a short film series dedicated to the celebration of craftsmanship in the modern world.

Each short film features a different maker (saddle maker, the hatter, knifemaker and the blacksmith), unveiling the stories behind those makers and what it means to be a craftsman by trade in the world today. I get a vintage and very American vibe from these, but they are filmed in a cool way.

Since I love doodeling I want to try a few of these ideas on doodling on graph paper, it looks like fun:

iHanna Loves this Video: Colorful Graph Paper Drawing

I found this short documentary yesterday on Matisse and his big collages yesterday, and it’s really interesting:

iHanna Loves this Henri Matisse and a new art form

iHanna Loves this Video: Origami Chinese Thread Book Tutorial – click to watch. I made one of these in a workshop once, and it almost drove me mad with all the measuring and folding. Give it a try, it’s a really cool project though!

Interesting in Social Media

iHanna Loves this  How to Support the Creative Entrepreneur in Your Life – This post is written for my friends and family, so please read it and learn how much your instagram likes, clicks and comments really DO mean to me/us as creative entrepreneurs!

iHanna Loves this How to find and keep track of blogs by Abby Glassenberg, whos blog and newsletter is a must-read!

iHanna Loves this Eight Things You Probably Didn’t Know You Could Stream On Spotify - oh and not all music on Spotify, who knew? Gonna check out some of these when I’m painting next.

iHanna Loves this  On the state of my business - I always love Elise Joy’s podcast, and in this episode she talks about how her life is changing – and how she (sadly for all of us) stopped blogging.

My Book Recommendation

iHanna Loves this The Mandala Guidebook : How to Draw, Paint and Color Expressive Mandala Art, a new book by Kathryn Costa. I’ve been reading through it this week, and I will review it as soon as possible, because I find it rather inspiring and fun, and Kathryn sent me a copy to write about which I appreciate.

Also, Please Vote

I am one of those people who things voting is very very important. I can’t imagine skipping it, so my plea to you, if you’re in the USA and can vote, do it!

Bernie Sanders is the one for me: Sarah Silverman Explains: Friendos! I made this vid about why I’m voting #BERNIE. Hope u eat it up. Bernie Sanders JASH

Publicerat av Sarah Silverman den 28 mars 2016

Follow along with iHanna

iHanna Loves this Feel free to like and follow Studio iHanna on Facebook for even more inspiration there – all year long. Right now I’m sharing the DIY Postcards I’m getting over there. And I’m iHanna on Pinterest too:

Previous Inspirational Links

iHanna Loves this Please don’t miss all the cool videos and links in previous Inspiration en Masse-posts if you’re new around here: January was titled A Year of Making, February was the month of Self-Love and Self-Compassion Ideas and March Creating Creative Kids!

10 Responses

  1. Awesome post; thank you! Can’t wait to try drawing on graph paper! I appreciate the time you take to share all these things with us. :-)

  2. Wonderful post! I especially appreciate that you shared that Matisse video, I adore his work and had not seen this yet.

  3. I really love your blog but, you ruined this one with the Silverman crap. Sorry.

    • That’s fine Rita, I believe in Freedom of Speach and in voting as a priviliage and a obligation – if you can’t or won’t belive in those things, that’s to bad but such is life. :-p

  4. Wow, you aren’t kidding…inspiration en masse! Thank you for all the links; it will surely take me all month to soak in all they have to offer. I did ICAD for a few years, and then took a break…might be time to join in again. You and Tammy are two VERY inspiring artists. Oh, and congratulations on winning a place at the Schoolism event; let us know what you learn!! :-)

  5. Stockholm! Lucky you! And thanks for all the inspiration. I’m in the mood to try something new.

  6. Thank you for so many cool links all on one page! I can’t wait to watch some of them.

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