Penmanship & Handwriting | Inspiration en masse

I love to inspire you guys to be more creative in your everyday life. In this inspirational post I am sharing a whole long list of youtube videos and links to articles, blog posts and fun stuff (free printable, gif generator, handwriting inspiration etc) that I think you should check out when you have the time. En masse actually means in a group; all together.

So all together now: Let’s get inspired!

iHanna's Inspiration en masse link love to check out at

What the world of tomorrow will be like is greatly dependent on the power of imagination in those who are learning to read today.
Astrid Lindgren

The link list doesn’t have a penmanship theme as a whole but at the end there is a lot about the art of penmanship and handwriting, so I named the post that. Enjoy!

Inspiration en masse

iHanna Loves this The Source Of Creativity – did you know about this NPR + Ted talk podcast? This episode is on how music is created! Is creativity something we are born with or can we learn it? In this hour, TED speakers examine the mystery of creativity.

iHanna Loves this How to Rekindle Your Creative Spark in 30 Days is a great article by Noah Scalin

iHanna Loves this 5 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Own Life (Without Knowing It) – harsh truths that you might not want to hear!

iHanna Loves this Along the same lines is Maya Elious’ 3 reasons you haven’t started your dream business. I mean: gaaah!

iHanna Loves this Saw these DIY kaleidoscope clay pendants on pinterest, and I think I’m gonna have to make ’em.

iHanna Loves this Crochet pattern for tiny forest mouse – a free Swedish crochet pattern translated to English.

iHanna Loves Hello Kitty! Come say Hello Kitty – upload a photo of yourself and add a moving Hello Kitty gif on top of the photo. Yay!

iHanna and Hello Kitty are besties!

iHanna Loves pink birds Free download to print: Flamingo Polka Dot Pennant Banner – never thought I’d fall for the flamingo trend, but I have.

iHanna Loves this A mom and son collaboration on making a photo book together: A Year of Lego photo book – awesome photography and full of potential ideas for creative documentation projects you could do on your own, or together with your kids.

iHanna Loves this 5 Ways to Not be Offended by your Introvert Friends – fun read on Elephant journal by Tabitha Farraron.

iHanna Loves this Creating your own coloring pages is so hip right now, have you noticed? I want to make my own for sure, and I will share them with you guys – but in the meantime you can download Lisa’s adult coloring pages here (with lettering and quotes included) or visit Amy who will inspire you to create your own DIY coloring pages!

iHanna Loves this Did you miss my post on Spotted Photo Theme for August? It is about bicycles and other vehicles, you can still jump on your bike and join us. Need an example on how it can look? Check out Tammy’s post Spotted Photo Theme Bicycles!

iHanna Loves this On my wish list 1: Michelle Allen’s new notebooks cat, frog, owl and the rest. So pretty!

iHanna Loves this On my wish list 2: Elizabeth Gilbert’s new book on creativity (want want want!): Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear!

iHanna Loves this I love Päivi Eerola’s blog Peony and Parakeet, her art and her wonderful art journal:

Your Art Journal Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect by Päivi on youtube.

Penmanship and handwriting

iHanna Loves this Lisa of CreativLEI is inviting us all to a free month to learn to Love Your Lettering in October. It starts with a question: Do You Want to Learn Hand-lettering?

iHanna Loves this As a part of the September Handwriting Challenge on the Bullet Journal Blog I found this awesome Ted-x-talk about the art of pen:

Why write? – a video on Penmanship for the 21st Century | Jake Weidmann

iHanna Loves this And if you are into planners and calendars, you will enjoy this video, showing you in detail how you can decorate it with doodles, writing and frames:

Handwriting & Decorating in a Midori – a video about documenting the week and making it pretty with Ms. Cendolife, who does a page like this every week and uploads it to youtube.

iHanna Loves this And on the note of writing, as writing is my word of the year and I’m not doing it, I should maybe try Blind Writing next?

iHanna Love! I have linked to others for many many years, but maybe a bit too sporadically. I’ve at times tried to do Weekly Inspiration or Link Love Lists grouped by theme, but fallen by the wayside rather quickly. I started last month with these monthly posts as they are more fun and concentrated for you guys. You get a lot of inspiration in just one post, or at least that is my hope. Also check out: last months Inspiration en masse: Starting!

Feel free to leave me a comment below, or tweet me, with any inspiration you wanna share with the rest of us!

9 Responses

  1. iHanna:

    What a fabulous list! Thank you so much for all the inspiration. I love the imperfect journal. I’m on about that right now too! Thanks as well for including me!


  2. What a great list of resources. Thank you so much for including me. :) You’ve introduced me to new (to-me) artists to follow!

  3. Hanna, Thank you for the shout-out! I love link-loves and I look forward to exploring. Perhaps I should do one too:)

  4. Great links! I’m just starting to get into pretty planners and hand-lettering. I did calligraphy years ago, but I love all these new lettering techniques that are coming out! :)

  5. thanks to your link to the very talented and interesting Ms Cendolife, I made a lovely journal page for the documented life project as you can see on my blog.

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