Dear Photo Diary | the details of daily life

The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.
William Morris

Rolls of Pretty Papers

There are so much beauty everywhere. I was at a color workshop this morning where the teacher told us that “seeing is about knowing that the light comes in to the eye socket and bla-bla-blaaa…” I don’t think that is very interesting to think about. There is science and there is inner truth. Sometimes they are not the same.

What I believe: Seeing is about noticing what is worth noticing. Taking an interest in the details of daily life… There is so much happiness in seeing beauty. Like the rolls of paper in my paper collection.

And everywhere at home, I collect bits of pretty, bright, cute and interesting, often full of color and joy:

Tim Ferris and me
Pink Rubber Bear
Strawberry Shortcake
Wool Owl #3
Paper Punch out Butterflies
Owl Stickers
Cutting Pretty Paper
My Paper Piles

I hope you are taking an interest in the details, finding some color happiness – and maybe documenting it one way or another. Photos like these makes me extra happy.

This is happiness to me.

8 Responses

  1. I agree with you. Seeing is just more than light waves being registered by the brain. Even blind people can ‘see’ and understand the joy and wonder in life. You really have to stop and look and notice details which get passed by in our rush through every day.

  2. I’ve been waiting to either have some extra money to decorate this apartment I’ve been in forever, or until we can afford to move and decorate a new place, but I’ve finally realized that I can MAKE some happy art fot my walls. I practically live in my bedroom, so I’ve been using my pretty washi tape to add some art above my little art desk. The last canvas I did, I KEPT it for me! Ha, I never keep them for myself, but I love it! It says “be brave”, and I needed it. ;) Thanks for always inspiring me!
    Trish ♥

  3. There’s a (short) poem in Dutch that goes like this: “Als je goed om je heen kijkt zie je dat alles gekleurd is.” (K. Schippers) Your a and my language look/read a bit similar so maybe you can figure it out, but roughly translated it says: “If you look around real close you’ll see that everything is coloured.” That looks/reads so simple, but if you think about it, it really is a miracle… your post made me think of that poem. Forget the science, enjoyu the colours Hanna!

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