Eye Candy | Blue smiling cat

Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning.
Joseph Campbell

Big Eyed blue cat

At a recent visit to a rather cute second hand shop (new to me) I found this blue cat. I adore the 1970-style and shape of it, and the flowers on the tummy are so cute. I decided to buy it as a gift, because blue is defiantly not my color. It is a kind of dark turquoise, so it could fit in my home (I love turquoise) but I think it’s meant for someone else…

1970 style cat
Isn’t he cute?

It’s not only a cute thingie for a shelf – it’s also a candle holder. You put the candle inside from the back and that makes the cat’s tummy shine.

Cat candle holder

I am going to gift it to my someone who adores blue a lot more than me – and cats. But in the meantime this eye candy is on my living room table and makes me smile.

I hope you are filling your life with eye candy too?

6 Responses

    • Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment Traci! Random (cheap!) finds are great little joyful moments in life, don’t you think? :-)

    • Thanks Sharon, don’t you think the ceramic cat’s face could be inspiration for a softie cat or two? A smiling softie cat! I love the softie collection you’ve got going right now. :-)

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