365 Collages | Week 52 | The End

Before you make a six-volume improvement list for 2014, there is unfinished business in 2013. Take a seat. Take a few deep breaths, too. Then look back at 2013, and see what you did right.* Quinn McDonald

Collage: Filed under all things Wonderful
Collage: Filed under all things Wonderful

The end can be so sad sometimes, but to me, this feels oh so good. It is the end of a 365 day long project where I have created about seven new collages every week for the entire year! Man, it feels good to post these, the last of the bunch!

I have titled one of the eight collages today (there is an extra day that doesn’t have a week of its own so I’m fitting it into this last post!): Ending on a Positive Note, because that is how I feel about it. Extremely positive and happy! Loved this project, loved growing with it, still love making collages, love sharing with you guys and love that it is finished. Let’s move on to something else.

Collage: Dropping Out (is not an option)
Dropping Out (is not an option)

Please leave me a comment below, you know I appreciate it.

Collage: the Exotic is the Unfamiliar
the Exotic is the Unfamiliar

Collage: It Simply Never Fails
It Simply Never Fails

Collage: I can be a (pack) rat by iHanna
I can be a (pack) rat

Collage: Humble Opinions
Humble Opinions

Collage: Because it is all about giving
Because it is all about giving

…and collage number 365 of the year:

Collage: Ending on a Positive Note
Ending on a Positive Note

If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.
If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.
The Gospel According to Thomas

Thank you so so much for being with me on this journey! I wish you luck with your own projects of the year, small and big!

I will keep writing and posting about what I am up to here on my blog, and I am sure there will be new collages in the near future – so stay tuned!

This is a post in my series 365 Collages in 2013 | Plan Your Own 365 Project | About my Creative Process | Previously: Week 51 (the Scissors Edition) | What now?

21 Responses

  1. These are wonderful, CONGRATULATIONS on finishing this big project, you are very inspiring and I love the quote at the end of the post, its so powerful.

  2. Well, you are just amazing…congratulations on this huge achievement (I could never do something as disciplined as this!) May the coming year bring you tremendous joy and creativity! XX Nat

  3. Thank you for sharing. They are beautiful & inspiring. All the best in 2014!

  4. This is such a huge achievement–something positive you kept doing for a year! And in sharing with us, you inspire us to do our work as well!
    Thank you!

  5. I love “Dropping Out” and “Ending On A Positive Note” and you certainly did! Congratulations on this incredibly successful challenge and I’m looking forward to seeing all you create in 2014! You’re a great inspiration!

  6. Wow!! Congratulations!!! You did it! And I look forward to seeing more of your creative work! It always makes me smile & inspires me as well. I really love “Ending on a Positive Note”…that splotch of pink & orange over the text juxtaposed with the blue & purple flowers…lovely!! Plus, I just love what that one represents! :)

  7. What a project! I’m so happy you saw it through :) And I must say, you do love your pink, don’t you? ;) There is no way pick could ever be sad, miserable or depressed. I dare you to prove me wrong – though I’m guessing not many people would want to prove otherwise.

  8. Super, Hanna, I like them all! Especially you use colour, I like very much! Thank you for all the beautiful art work you make and share with us. It’s a joy to follow you on your blog on a daily basis. I find it very special you share your life with so many people around the globe. I like the way you look at life, yourself, work and art. Very inspiring!
    I wish you a happy, healthy , creative and joyful 2014!
    Judith (Holland)

  9. Congratulations, iHanna! It’s such an inspiration to see you bring this ambitious project to completion. I think one way to achieve artistic breakthrough is to follow through with a project like this. Well, hope that you find time for other projects in 2014.

  10. How awesome, Hanna ! You are so good at keeping this commitment to your art! What a wonderful document it must be to have all of your collages together.
    Congrats on your accomplishment and I wish you a happy New Year full of new creative adventures !

  11. Congratulations! You reached your goal and beautifully too! I particularly enjoy reading your titles for each collage. I’d find it hard to come up with so many intriguing ones! My favorite image this week is your “Because its all about giving” collage.

  12. I am not surprised that you did it! But it sure is amazing! Thank you for all that you share and inspire in us. I like your “I can be a pack rat.” :)

  13. Congratulations on finishing your collages Hanna! And thanks one last time for carrying the rest of us along with you! This is a wonderful collection. You certainly finished on a high note! “I can be a pack rat” and “dropping out” are my faves. On to more great things in 2014!

  14. Congratulations on your remarkable collage journey. It was such a pleasure to share in it by reading your blog. I just started my own 365 collage project. I’m using 3 x 5 cards, giving myself 5 minutes for each & work on several at one time. Participating in your postcard challenges for the past 2 years has also given me some faith that I can do this. So far its part therapy/sketchbook/creativity challenge. And fun!

  15. Hanna, I am THRILLED that you finished you 365 Somethings project. I finished all of my 365 cards but am still posting and it’s already late January. I want to go back through your posts and savor all of your collages. They are beautiful, unique and elegant.

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