A Pink Moment in the City

Green and pink in Stockholm
Happiness is when you see a glimmer of your favorite colour as you’re walking through the inner city of Stockholm. You are walking towards the shops, but change rout and are drawn in…

Walking in the city
…towards the colour that is shimmering as a magic light. And you see beauty in the trees.

Pink sky
You start smiling. You can’t help yourself.

No limits
Your entire face is a smile. Because it’s pink, everywhere.

Documenting pink
A pink moment that needs to be documented, captured.

Pink at its best – in the way of nature. In the city. Where you’d least expect it.

Sparkly water

A happy, and very pink, moment in the city. Still makes me smile.

7 Responses

  1. Thank you SO very much for posting these pix! Pink is MY favorite color too. It’s the color of our heart center. I think lots of artists are very sensitive and are full of love. Maybe that’s why so many of us love pink so much! Your pictures really made me smile. Thank you again for sharing these beautiful photos! <3

    • Raine, glad you liked the photos! Thanks for leaving a comment to let me know you liked them, it means a lot to me. I have loved pink since I was a kid, I like that it can be both gentle and bold in different hues.

  2. These pictures made me smile…what wonderful color…and to find it in a city…beautiful!

    • Christie, thanks! I think all cities should get more colour, in one way or another. There is just so much gray (streets, houses, peoples coats, cars) that we need these kinds of colour infusions! Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment!

  3. Beautiful! …I haven’t been to that place in Stockholm yet. There’s so much to explore!
    Cheers, Jana.

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