Smart Journal volume 1

Happy Cover vol 1

I have been using a few favorite images in this journal, the Smart Journal Volume 1. Some images (and pretty papers) float around in boxes and folders for years never to find the right place. But in a way that is not a good thing. I don’t want to be tired of the images before I even get to use them. So sometimes you just have to decide. It’s time to glue it down! And if you want to use an image, you should. There is always new ephemera floating your way.

Journal: Toad
This toad image is one example of favorite image! I love the colours and style of these illustrations. And I love frogs. They are so cute. That’s why you might see frogs here in there in any of my art journals. The frogs are a re-occurring element.

I thought I’d just share a few more of the pages, because they make me happy.

Skapande & Buddan
Thoughts about creating stuff, and the Buddha in technicolour. I have several copies of him because this image is so pretty!

Journal: Skull again
Skull sticker and bits I like.

Journal: Bits I like
More little bits (scraps) I like.

Journal: Sibblings
A goldfish, and me looking fishy, yes that fits. The photo is of me and Mikael, an image that finally found it’s place on this page. Love the colours!

Journal: Tree frog has hope
Frogs are a sign, don’t you think?

Some pages are finished before you know it.

Others are about cats.

Some pages surprise you and tell you things you didn’t know.

Now, the end is near…

Journal: Unicorn in colour
Not often do you spot unicorns on my pages, but this handsome one was coloured by a friend of mine. For a while it was up on the wall, then it became part of this art journal.

Journal: Collage
The left page is a greeting card, a cloth tag and a brayer painted watercolour paper – all fitted together to make a new page. The right is the inside of the back cover and then it’s time to close this book.

Back cover vol 1

The most amazing thing about art journaling is that anything can be a page, and when it’s finished, it’s time to move on to the next spread.

PS: one smart journal left in the shop…

7 Responses

  1. Hanna, as usual, I love your collages. The unicorn is spectacular :) have a great weekend!

  2. love it love it!!!! Always so colorful!
    (there is a little paperscrap with your name I wrote, in your collage!!!!)
    Already miss the Ihanna SWAP

  3. Love this journal!! You inspired me to purchase a book binding machine….I’m going to figure it out today, I hope :)

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