The Amazing Postcard Swap Return

Yes! Opening the mailbox is a favorite part of the #DIYpostcardSwap this time of year. Receiving postcards that are handmade, artsy, funny, detailed, special, beautiful – what a joy it is each year. What a great tradition this swap is becoming.

No turning back - postcard sent to iHanna, in the Postcard Swap hosted by @ihanna #diypostcardswap

Here are the ones I’ve gotten in my favorite spring swap, the iHanna DIY Postcard Swap. If you didn’t or couldn’t join this time, don’t be sad. Sign up for my Newsletter (or keep updated with this blog) and then join the Postcard Swap autumn version later this year.

But first, look at the detail of this woven, rich and awesomely glittery postcard:

Paper weaving postcard made by by Gail in Canada, for #diypostcardswap
Yummy right? Made by Gail in Canada.

In finance, rate of return (ROR), rate of profit or sometimes just return, is the ratio of money gained (or lost) on an investment relative to the amount invested. The ROR of being in a postcard swap does not involve money for the swapper, but still a great return in postcards. Just look:

Postcards received 2013
Postcards from all over the world, signed Katie in Iowa, Sophie in Belgium, Natasha in New Zealand, TJ in US (not Germany anymore!), Julie in Canada, Christine in the US, Jeannine in the US, and Tammy in Texas!

Postcards #2 received 2013
I also got postcards from Emily and Candace, both in Canada, and Sam in Australia. Thank you girls!

I also get to see mom’s postcards close up. She kind of forget to document her own postcards before sending them, but these are two that she made this year (found via her instagram feed):
Postcards by iHanna's Mom 2013
I’m kind of bummed I didn’t get one of these… Mom, if you read this… :-)

And here are the postcards iHanna’s mom, also known as CraftyMom, has received so far:

Postcards for Yvonne, Sweden

Amazing turnout! Big thanks to all participants of the swap!

I love my Postcard ROR soooo much!

You can view a lot more amazingness in the DIY Postcard Flickr Pool for sure, and next time (this autumn) I’m gonna ask all of you to use the same hashtag so we can find you all over the place! This year people have been tagging me by name, especially on instagram, and then it’s just me who gets notified… So let’s use #DIYpostcardSwap from now on. On instagram, twitter, flickr, and everywhere! Okay?


It’s kind of an established name for the swap now that we’re on the fourth year, don’t you think? On instagram, for example, you can find these goodies tagged #DIYpostcardSwap, almost all by amazing Natasha right now, I think she used the tag first.

Also check out blogged postcards by other participants and my previous posts on the DIY Postcard Swap 2013.

If you like to be notified about the next swap I host, sign up for the iHanna Newsletter.

Thanks for making this the most Amazing Postcard Swap!

6 Responses

  1. Oh my gosh! Thank you for the kind words and sharing. I got one of the woven beauties as well. Such magical sparkle. I have loved this so much and with 2 more due in my letterbox is still feeling happy mail love. It makes collecting the mail so much more exciting.

    Thank you for organising it all, so much work involved in bringing global happy mail joy to us all. I appreciate it. :)

  2. I’d love to participate in one of these postcard swaps! Please notify me on the next one??

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