365 Collages | Week 14 – Recycle edition

The important thing is to do, and nothing else; be what it may.

Collage: Do your Thing
Do your thing!

Are you doing your thing? Have you found what it is? I can truly say this is my thing! Because it is. Making art. Pushing on. Finding new ways to combine paper. And with seven new artworks in my project 365 collages in 2013 I still love this project! Love it!

And I like it a lot more than I remember liking Daily Art Cards that I did in 2008. The dailiness of that project stressed me, and made me publish and save a lot of stuff I didn’t like. This is different, because if I hate something I have time to re-do it, recycle or throw it away. Plus this year I’m keeping up with posting to the blog which makes it more fun too.

Collage: Small Gifts
Small Gifts

Recycling is a bit of a theme here today, because three of these collages are cut to size (13×13 centimeters) from larger artworks that I didn’t like at all. I think going up in size with collage is very hard, but I’m sure I will get there some day in some way. But these weren’t to my liking so I cut them down and now I think they work better.

Please let me know which collage you like the best and why in the comments. I So appreciate your feedback and encouragement on this project…

Collage: Transformation

Collage: Manly Evolution
Manly Evolution

Collage: Letter from Sweden
Letters from Sweden

Collage: Re-Cycle it All
Re-Cycle it ALL

Collage: Prioritaire

I hope you too are into recycling, both for trash and treasure – but mostly for the environment.

Happy Glue it Tuesday!

Previously: Week 13 | Next: Week 15

24 Responses

  1. It’s always hard to pick a favorite of these. But I love the re-cycle everything. We recycle a lot and my kids are always digging thru the recycle bin for their projects.

  2. My faves? Small Gifts and Letters from Sweden – I like their composition and use of color. I like the simplicity of solid colors used in Small Gifts but then anchored by images – very cool idea. Then Letters has all that great pink and orange and I like how the images move my eye through the piece. Thanks so much for the inspiration for this project – I’m loving working on my collages too and find new ways to combine color and paper and other ingredients each week. Brilliant!

  3. I need to invent new adjectives to describe your collages! Stunning, beautiful, fantastic — those words aren’t nearly good enough!

  4. My favorite, though I love them all, is Transformation. I’m drawn to the color and subject matter as well as the difference between large and small pattern. Just overall gorgeous!

  5. My favourite this week is definitely “Re-cycle it ALL” – love that big happy rainbow circle. I also like “Prioritaire”, probably because of the flowers and the slightly more muted colours.

  6. I love your collages Hanna – they are your ‘thing’ for sure!

    I am happy to have one of them up on my wall :)

    Karen x

  7. ‘Transformation’ has some beautiful (painted) details but I like ‘reCYCLE it ALL’ the most… I think it is because of the cycle/circles… I’m still into circles/dots – for a few months already… (but my collage is all about squares/grid today, ha!)

  8. I like a few for different reasons… But there is one theme I see in what I like… Not straight lines or hard edges…(learned something new about myself :) I like the one named Do Your Thing… Just love the smushiness of it all and the colors. I like ” Letters From Sweden” because of how it all flows together… No straight sharp lines to stop your eyes from wandering across its beauty and richness. I love “Recycle It All” for the colors and the circles and I love that it mostly looks drawn/colored and organic and them there is this pop of the flower image, which is organic but not because it is a photo and not drawn and soft like the rest. Sorry for this long post but your work has got me inspired to write!

  9. tough…between Transformation and Re-Cycle it All….love the colors of the later and texture of the former :)

  10. I like all of them but especially like the words scratched into the paint on the first one. Love the paint and line additions on the cards.

  11. I like them all, Hanna, but I especially like Transformation because of the soft quality, the shades of pinks, the sweetness of the cupcakes, and the markings. I also really like Manly Evolution which is also kind of a pun- almost transformative with the ages of the men. I like them both.

  12. I like “Transformation” the best but I may be being swayed by those fancy cupcakes in your collage that are making me hungry right now! :-)

  13. My two favorites are Do Your Thing and Recycle it All, and I believe it’s because of the strong use of paint. I like so much how it pulls the paper elements together. I really like ALL of them! xo

  14. My best is “lettre de Suède” all are very successful. I’m lost in admiration before your work. You are fantastic whith mixing colors.

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