Creativity in Snapshots

That moment when we tilt our heads – that’s the moment we can climb out of culture and into innovation. We are on the verge of making something new.
Grant McCracken (Culturematic, page 12)

Knitting hands at night

I enjoy knitting, drawing, embroidery, photography and blogging. And more. It’s no wonder I don’t fit it all into one single week sometimes. It’s silly to try really, but sometimes I do. Here are a few snapshots of creativity going on around here:

Thrifed jewlery

TAST once again

Pens and paper on my desk
Papers and pens on my desk…

Vignette in window
…and a beautiful light coming in from the window. Oh how I love my window view, and the little vignettes I randomly place there.

Horse and stuff in a window

Wishing you a creative weekend!

7 Responses

  1. Hi Hanna!
    I can totally feel with you… I want to do sooooo unbelievable many different things… I’ll never have enogh time to realize all these inspirations I get both online and offline.
    Your blog is giving me so much inspiration for a few days since I have discovered it, that I can’t await the moment I’ll have my materials gathered and an open time space :)
    Thank you for the many ideas which fly around my head because of you, I love your colorful, joyful style!

  2. Beautiful photos Hanna! The very first photo is my favorite as I am partial to hand pics given all I have been through with my own. Great photos of hands show them as the wonderful, complex, essential things that they are and your knitting photo does just that! As always, inspiring post!

  3. Either my computer monitor has suddenly gotten a happy color card OR as I am assuming, your photos are just full of gorgeous color. Great snapshots. And it’s encouraging that you, like me, have so many interests. At least you’ve posted more than once in the last couple weeks. Maybe I’ll download some photos from my Blackberry and post on my blog. Thank you for sharing.


  4. Love the photo with the shiny scissors and the pink cloth, lovely textures. I really do want to do EVERYTHING all the time, every medium, every color, every texture, and sometimes I actually get frustrated because it seems that not enough happens!

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