Awesome Supplies | Pink Dymo Labels

Dymo Hello

It feels like I’ve spent more time in art supplie stores than at my desk creating lately. It’s a horrible feeling that makes me feel empty and sad. But instead of complaining about time (again!) I thought I’d start a new series of posts that will occur occasionally. I’m calling it Awesome Supplies! In this series of posts I will feature some of the awesome materials I love or are just experimenting with. Follow along, and please feel free to share your own favorites for art journaling too!

Today I’m sharing these awesome dymo labels.

Dymo label making in new colours

I hope you’ve got some kind of label maker already? Everyone needs one! I’ve had mine for years. I recently found these cool colours in a scrapbook store. In a set of three I got pink, light blue and one roll that looked white but proved to be transparent! How awesome is that? Aaawesome.

This is how my label maker look:

Dymo label
There are cooler ones to buy now, but mine is vintage and thrifted. I also got a smaller kid’s version one, but right now I can’t find it. I’m guessing it’s hiding in one of the many boxes I have around with other awesome supplies and stuff…

I’ve used dymo labels to make tags, gift cards, mark boxes, my breakfast jar (with müsli in), my watercolour set, notebooks, and for all kinds of journaling projects of course. Like so:

Dymo fun
Dymo Labeling

BTW, my etsy shop is empty but if you scroll down on the shop page you’ll find my favorites from other shops there too! Just after I bought this one I saw a post showing some neon coloured dymo labels… Check them out if you want some awesome too.

** You can view the flickr group Dymo Love for further inspiration!

19 Responses

  1. I did not know that the labels come in such great colours. This may just push me over the edge to get a label maker!

    Mmmm.. pink labels!

  2. Hi Hanna!

    I haven’t left a comment here in ages but I always read your posts of course!
    I too have a vintage Dymo, like yours except all black (it was my mom’s) and I bought the same package of colours as you! I love my Dymo!

    PS. Like you, I still have a lot of supplies in boxes since my move… when I open a box it’s like shopping all over again! Except I don’t have to pay…

  3. Wow, pink embossing labels? I didn’t even know those existed! All we have in the UK is black, blue, red and green. Is there a part number for the pink dymo tapes on the packaging? With a part number I should be able to track them down and see if we can get them here as well. Thanks. 8-)

    • I don’t have the packaging any more and I got it at a scrapbook store in Stockholm, Sweden. I’m sure you can find better ways to find new sources for your company than asking me…? I’m pretty sure the labels are not from Sweden! ;-) Good luck.

  4. Oh I love that transparent tape. I wish I had kept my label maker from when I was a child. So instead I bought the Smash one but the only colors they have are red & black & I’m not sure if other brands will fit. Looking forward to more of these posts in the future.

  5. My husband bought me that pack of Dymo tapes and at first I thought the colors wouldn’t be useful to me at all. But now I love them! But I had no idea the white one was transparent; I haven’t used it yet! I’ve been using my Dymo especially for my ICAD cards. Thanks for the Flickr group link; I’ll be sure to check it out!

  6. I vilken affär hittade du dessa?? De rosa är ju helt fantastiska, måste inhandlas! Min dymo kommer från Clas Olsson och där fanns bara de gamla vanliga svart, blått och rött… Dags för lite variation! :)

  7. I really like these, but every time I buy one it breaks. I think maybe I don’t know how to be nice enough to it? Love all the tape colors. yum.

  8. Hallo! Jeg har søkt på nett i flere timer nå, å endelig fant jeg det jeg så etter! Fantastisk blogg :) Vet du hvor jeg kan få tak i den transperange dymo tapen? Desperat! Hadde vert perfekt på bryllupsinvitasjonene mine :)

    • Hi Kristine fra Norge,
      I bought mine at a shop here in Stockholm, and they do have an online store but I don’t see any pink dymo there right now, sorry! Maybe write them and ask? :-)

      Good luck! And I’m wishing you a beautiful wedding!

      • Thanks :) and thank you for responding! I’ll write to them!

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