Recycled Wool Sleaves

Arm warmersArm warmers

I made myself “wool sleaves” this winter by cutting apart several felted wool sweater arms and sewing them together. I love to recycle wool! I sewed this on mom’s fancy sewing machine and decided to leave the selvedge on the outside for a grungy look. What do you think? Strange or fun?

I thought I’d wouldn’t be using these, but I actually have.

The inspiration came from Katwise and her awesome style.

23 Responses

  1. I love them!! Especially how the blue looks like it’s peeking out of the white.


  2. Oh, I love these! How do they stay up? And how far up do they go? I like the selvedge on the outside, too.

    • Thanks Amy, they are thick wool so quite sturdy. I think they would stay up anyway, but as you can see I’m wearing them on top of a long sleeved top and that helps them to stay “up”. :-)

      • If you measured them correctly, you could attach the ‘sleeve’ to the sleeve of a t-shirt, transforming it into a cool weather garment.

  3. Hi Hanna, cool !! I had seen the video of Katwise earlier. She is really something. It struck me that one has to collect quite a few sweaters to make a coat like hers. Perhaps I should let Sandra try to make something.

    • Laila, yes she is cool. I imagine she goes through quite a lot of wool sweaters making just one coat! But it’s good, because who would wear all those second hand, already felted/worn sweaters anyway? I love how she turns old into new! :)

    • Kathryn, thanks! If I would’ve found more colourful sweaters I might have gone rainbow, hehe, but I’m glad you think it looks sophisticated! :-)

    • Lynda, thanks! I sure did use a serger if that means overlock sewing machine? That’s mom’s fancy sewing machine to me, sorry for not writing it out! I think you could do it on a ordinary machine too, but using the overlock machine is fun!

    • Sandra, not sure about socks but maybe if you have huge socks to begin with. It will shrink quite a lot in the washing machine when you felt the wool… But why not give it a try!

  4. Fun, fun, fun! I love that idea!

    (and I will most probaby copy it some day… do you think the same thing will work on cotton tops as well?)

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