Art journal peek: A Very Brown Page

Art Journal detail: fish and poetry
Fishy poetry in my art journal.

en koffertfisk,
att bygga stora snäckor med
ekar och smultronträd,
lycka och glädje.

Found poetry poem by iHanna. Translated it would sound something like this:

a “trunk fish”,
to build big shells together with
oaks and wild strawberry trees,
happiness and joy.

More brown details from a very brown page:

Art Journal detail: bird in the hand
Art Journal detail: queen love

A Very Brown Page in my Art Journal + Fishy poetry

Outside my comfort zone

Brown is not a colour I use very often, but this was a very Brown Page indeed. This is me going outside my comfort zone, art journal wise. But I like what came out on the page. A quite messy page with a lot of different imagery coming together with the help of the surrounding colour: brown.

15 Responses

  1. Brun är den färg jag använder allra mest (tillsammans med blått och vitt), fast det syns sällan i mina målningar. Jag blandar alltid färgerna för att dämpa dem lite och då är brun (rå umbra) alldeles perfekt. Det skulle vara en utmaning att göra en brun målning dock, men jag gillar din kombination med rosa.

    • Tack för kommentaren Elin. Det är såna knep man (jag) är dålig på eftersom jag inte gått någon konstutbildning. Jag använder alltid färgerna direkt ur burken, och glömmer blanda egna kombos… fast när jag kommer ihåg att mixa lite mer är det roligare att måla! :-)

  2. This is very nice. I’m not a ‘brown’ girl either but the pinky rosey hues make me love this. Also that bird in the hand image is so sweet. Love how it comes together as a whole.

  3. the brown lend a nature look and feel to your page, which is visually very appealing. i need to branch out to different color combos since it is so easy to get in a rut with our favorites.

  4. As always, very inspiring! I love the warmth of these pages. They are soothing without being boring…bravo for brown! I don’t use a lot of brown either but it is an excellent idea to try unfamiliar things.

  5. As I was reading your post I thought each close up was its own page- it wasn’t until your last photo I realized that they were from just ONE journal spread. Wow- so many fabulous details and layers!

    • How cool, wow, I didn’t think about that possiblity. I usually share the big spread first and then the details… but this time I wanted to mix it up a bit. I hope it wasn’t confusing. I’m working in a coffee table sized altered book, so I can put a lot on the page. I love the mix. :-)

  6. i like to see the details, then the how the whole page as a unit! well use of the color brown. i like the textures you used too. :)

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