What I like about handmade postcards

Postcards are fun
Making, writing, sending & receiving postcards is a fun and creative activity. I guess that’s why I’m hosting a postcard swap every year. Here are a few main points about why this activity is so enjoyable to me. It’s because…

I really like…

  • the simplicity of a glue stick and little pieces of paper to glue down, one by one
  • using “what I have on hand” and recycle cardboard boxes as the postcard foundation
  • planning a series of similar cards on a theme or a new technique
  • finding unexpected materials to use, this time vintage postal stamps
  • making a pleasing composition with my chosen materials
  • knowing that I am making something for someone else
  • getting into the creative flow and not being able to stop!

My pile of postcards
Rounding the corners

I also enjoy…

  • using my corner punch to round of the corners (oh how I love those corner punches, one of the best buys ever)
  • writing a note on the back with my fountain pen filled with black ink
  • getting sms, tweets and e-mail from friends and family about how they’re making or receiving postcards right now
  • knowing that “my little idea” with this swap inspires others and makes people happy
  • that the DIY Postcard Swap has become an annual tradition that I look forward to

Finding cute stamps

And finally I love…

  • …how all postcards are special and so beautiful, no matter the skill of the creator, because they are made to share. I think they all shine of “the joy of making” (I want to write love)
  • …the joy to hold “an original” of someones work and study it closely (and to keep it)
  • …when there is a pretty stamp on the back as an extra bonus. I’m finding secret messages in most of them (there was an awesome dragon on the stamp on the first postcard I received this year – from Fanie in Canada, and I was born a dragon year)
  • ..coming home from work and finding another awesome handmade postcards in my mail box
  • pinning all received postcards to my inspiration board
  • my growing collection of mail art, now living in a pretty ring binder that I designed for them
  • the fact that so many of you wanted to join me this year too – even with the sign up fee
  • that we get to do it all over again next year

It is very true that it’s just as fun giving away as it is receiving, and sometimes even more. Thanks everyone who took the time to join the swap! Take some time to visit a few of these awesome people and leaving a comment on blog posts or individual photos in the postcard group.

Click here if you want to join the DIY Postcard Swap!

What’s your favorite part of DIY Postcards?

11 Responses

  1. Hanna, I’ve been making extra postcards since the swap! I like the idea of a mini-theme, that might go on for a few cards and then switch to something else. I like the small canvas (like the index cards of last summer), the freedom to stitch them in any way I like, the fact that there are two perfectly good sides to work with, the fun of holding them in your hand and of seeing handmade postcards in your mail box! Really I like everything about them and perhaps we should send them year-round (autumn swap…?)

    • I agree with all you say Tammy except for the all year round bit – it is SUCH a rich and enriching experience (and time consuming) i think it might feel a pressure to do more – but i DO LOVE it!!!

  2. All super reasons to make and post whatever we do. Your ring binder for holding the post cards is the best, mini books of delight to view again and again. xox Corrine

  3. yeah, it’s cool to see what people do and how they do it. And I’m going to make a binder, too. I love what you did with yours.

  4. I am loving see what everybody did and feeling so inspired by the different directions. It’s so much fun to get them in the mail, and I want to make (and send) more too, a personal way to add a note to a package or just say hello. Thanks so much for this, Hanna, and I’m so glad I decided to join in despite my initial insecurities!

  5. I SO love your postal themed postcards, Hanna….just gorgeous! I will probably be back on board with you next year…I’ve missed it!

  6. My 4yr old granddaughter is loving seeing all the cards (5 so far) and it promotes such wonderful conversations about different countries etc – she wanted to make one, we did and sent it to her cousin in London, but she wonders why she is not getting one each day as i do! I explained the swap and she wants to join in next year! How about a children’s post card swap? maybe at a different time of year? Maybe Autumn swap as Tammy suggests?

  7. I love that it is in Spring, as I am in a good mood anyway and the swap is making me even happier. Great timing. Last year I made each postcard with whatever crossed my mind, this year I made a themed series, I love the complete freedom. I love the colourful mail I get and it is so inspiring to see what others are doing in their postcards, so many materials and so many great ideas! Thanks for hosting this, it is just lovely!

  8. i have received 9 – is there a lonely post card lost and alone on a forgotten heap somewhere, or has a postman been tempted and unable to resist taking one for him/herself to have and to hold?

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