Art journal peek: On butterfly wings

On butterfly wings
A page in my Art Journal: On butterfly wings. Pencil, pen and watercolours.

It’s one of the last white pages in my current art journal, and it’s no longer white. Maybe I will fill the last pages this weekend? I started it as this year begun and it has been a slow process of filling the pages with drawings, collage and words. I have not been able to keep up any daily habits at all this year, even though I tried here and there. But I enjoy my time with this journal, and that is a good feeling.

8 Responses

  1. That is one very sweet page.
    As for daily habits: I think things can only be a real habit if it’s okay to skip a day or two or three every now and then without beating yourself up over it. I consider writing every morning my daily habit. What it means is that I write about 80 tot 85 % of the days and the rest I don’t have time, am running late or just don’t feel like it. What makes it a habit is the fact that I keep coming back to it without any pressure and become grumpy if too many days pass without me doing it, because I start to miss it. I think forcing yourself to keep up a really daily habit is almost undoable. We’re people, not robots. Congrats on almost finishing your journal. I wish I could leaf through it!

  2. I just love your blog. Your work is fantastic. On your site, is there any tutorials that show how you can make an art journal? I visited many sites, but they just can’t compare to your work.

  3. who said your habits had to be daily?…..i think we put too much pressure on ourselves sometimes…….take away the deadlines & let it happen . i find the creativity begins to find its own rhythm. ….gorgeous, colourful butterfly page, i like the bluebird page too.

  4. Very pretty! I try to journal daily, but I agree with Raylee above, who says we should take away the deadlines and just let it happen. So much more fun that way, too!

  5. Hi Hanna…this is a beautiful page and so is the pink one below. I have learned not to make any pledges to myself to do anything each day….because I will break it for sure :)

  6. Very lovely journal page.
    Such an inspiring post as well…”I enjoy my time with this journal”, so true.
    Thank you for sharing :]

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