Before & after: turquoise stool

Furniture painting turquoise

While painting the table I also transformed this IKEA stool that I’ve had for a few years. Its simply made to be transformed and personalized. I always thought I’d do “something” with it, and now was the time. I turned it into a matching turquoise. Isn’t it awesome? I think so.

I don’t understand why there isn’t more colour in the things we see in shops; in furniture, clothes and shoes? Don’t get me wrong, I love black polished shoes, but really – all of them?

I would love me some pink boots, and a patchwork coat of many colours…

Furniture painting turquoise 2

One of my many business ideas is to one day get free or very cheap furniture and turn them into new items with decoupage and paint! I think they would be a hit if you could find a space to remake them + a place to sell them! And the right kind of customers who are willing to pay for that kind of exclusive customized stuff…

Maybe it wouldn’t really be lucrative, because painting furniture takes a lot of time. Plus, if you do it to sell you would probably have to be a bit more careful and accurate than I am when I paint. But it is an awesome idea, right? I can totally see the shop in front of me, a glorious rainbow place! Yes, a girl can dream…

Turquoise stool

Ali Edwards wrote a post about thinking about Christmas and wow, it is time already to start planning. Too bad it is so easy to find great stuff that I want and much more difficult to find something that for example my dad would appreciate… :-(

I’ve found this Oilily + Pip Studio sholder bag that I am totally in love with! Roses! Colours! Mmm! What I really need is the bigger weekender bag – it would be perfect for weekends away with the embroidery guild’s board etc. So in my last before and after post I was against consumerizm in general. This time, I’m ending the post with a big craving after a bag… But I know you agree with me, it would look lovely on the stool…

My mom painted her stool dark blue a few years ago, and it was perfect for a kitchen filled with dark blue details, just like hers. Even the coffee machine matched!

11 Responses

  1. Wow! Absolutely fantastic looking stool Hanna! That must really cheer you up each and every day, especially if you see the table too.

    Christmas presents- 98% bought and wrapped! I’m on the ball this year. I’ve just got to get my husbands presents (but now what I’m getting him so is just a matter of ordering) and exchange some sterling for kronor (for my teenage nieces and nephews) and I’ll be all set!

  2. Love the stool…a perfect color for a great transformation. I think a little shop full of painted and decoupaged furniture would be amazing. When I was teaching, I always used a stool at the front of the classroom, and I was always planning to decoupage it to make it more personal and ME. And you know what?…I never did it! I’m looking around the room for something to decoupage right now…. :-)

  3. Beautiful stool, Hanna! In some of my travels, I actually came across a small store where the lady painted and decoupaged old furniture. The store was so bright and happy! Wished I could have fit a piece in my suitcase. If it’s your dream, I say pursue it!

  4. I have a stool just like that from Ikea. I painted mine too. I painted the legs red and left the 2 steps a natural wood color. I love it.

  5. I painted my stool red acouple of years ago. It goes along well with my other red details in the kitchen.

  6. amazing transformation! you are right, painting furniture is a hard job — but you made it look effortless!

  7. Hi, Hanna. Your new stool color is marvy, and I loved the table, too. I think one reason things are monotone in the stores is because it’s a safer way to sell something. It’s less costly, as you said. But it does make shopping kind of a bore sometimes. It’s great to find lovely things on the web from people who have excellent creativity!

  8. Love the stool! Such a pretty color :]
    Those bags, to die for!! BEAUTIFUL <3
    If only the website could be translated in english?!
    darn it…

  9. I love that stool! It’s one of my favorite colors. I wish my husband liked painted furniture, because I would fill my house with it, if he did!

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