Time to dive into art journaling…. shall we?

Art Journal: Lines in a grid
Art Journal spread from this summer: Lines in a grid.

While I was pondering my sketchbook theme (grids and lines) I created a bold colourful grid in my Art Journal, just to see what came out. You can spot a few circles and organic shapes, but most of it is fenced in a straight grid. The lines are straight but indeed, the grid is wild and uncontrolled. It is my kind of grid with no order or rules applied…

Art Journal detail: pink grids

I freakin’ love this spread! It took me a while to fill the spread so I decided to think differently and simplify a lot for my sketchbook. :-) Though grid spreads are something I will do more of in my art journal.

Art Journal detail: it is dated like this

I used a ruler to make the lines with a blue ballpoint pen, then I filled them with colours or more pencil lines, postal stamps and a few of the washi tapes (I have quite a few that are lined in different ways).

Art Journal Detail: cactus flower
Yellow Cactus, almost the same one that I photographed in the garden this summer.

You can be wild in your journal too
, making a crazy grid with no rules. Do you like order or chaos in your art journal? Or maybe you are like me, embracing it all at once and creating a chaotic order! Try it out and have some fun!

Further Inspiration

* Painted and stamped papers – a very fun and inspiring tutorial by Debra
* A is for Artist – article by artist Seth Apter
* Podcast with Quinn McDonald – listen to Rďce’s interview with a creativity coach… Loved this episode!