Monochromatic Green Page The Green spread is the last of the monochromatic pages that I have made so far. Making a monochromatic page is… Categories Art journaling
Found typography from the newspaper The prompt: Use “found typography” as background in your art journal. Cut out text headlines from a newspaper or magazine and… Categories Art journaling
How to make Fabric Beads – Easy Craft You make fabric beads the same way you make rolled paper beads, but I prefer fabric. I haven’t had any success… Categories Crafts/Tutorials
Monochromatic Orange Art Journal Page Orange is red brought nearer to humanity by yellow. Kandinsky The fourth spread in my Monochromatic Series, and the colour is… Categories Art journaling
Details of the whole Details do create the big picture. I wrote about this Hand Bound Art Journal last spring and considered the promising emptiness… Categories Art journaling/Collage/Creativity & Life
Monochromatic Pink Art Journal Page I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had… Categories Art journaling
View through a dirty window Summer in full bloom, everywhere. There is abundance and I try to notice it and embrace it. I take more photos… Categories Photography
Good writing pens are hard to find Poetry is the journal of the sea animal living on land, wanting to fly in the air. Poetry is a search… Categories Draw & doodle
Monochromatic Turqouise Page The rinse water is color coordinated after painting another monochromatic page! Do you remember the Ruby Red Page in my Art… Categories Art journaling
Fly photo over a Inner Landscape II As promised here is the second mixed media embroidery. The first one was very green if you remember. This one is… Categories Mixed Media Experiments/Textile Art
Evidence Pages An evidence page is a page in your Art Journal or notebook where you break out new stuff! An Evidence Page… Categories Paper Crafting
Washi tape is patterned masking tape I caved in after lots of inner cravings. I bought “a few” rolls of what is called washi tape in Japanese…. Categories Creativity & Life/Inspiration