Collage Postcards with spraypaint

For the spraydate I put together three quick collages on cardstock so that I cut spray some on top of the collage. I’ve already sent these postcards to dear friends, but before that I scanned them. I love how these postcards look!

Postcard Abandoned house maria (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Postcard: Abandoned houses for Maria.

Postcard Jesus Chriscross (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Postcard: Criscross.

Postcard charlie bambi (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Postcard Bambi Charlie.

And also this fab spread in my Art Journal:

Spray paint is fun! (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Don’t think I will ever be able to create something on this spread, in fear of distroying it. I think it’s a keep-as-is-page.

3 fishes page (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
The fish page has a number stencil that is spray painted too.

16 Responses

  1. Spraying is so much fun!! Although i’m loving the snow, I am equally eager to get back to warm weather because spritzing inside is a stinky bad deal. Is your round lacy-edged stencil a white paper that is normally used beneath a plate of cakes? We have the same one in Germany and I’ve used it too…!!! Hee hee.

  2. Ooh! This looks like it was so fun to do! My favorites are the ones you sprayed the small dots on (like the one with Bambi, and the colors on that one too!) , but I also like the page on the left in your art journal! Since I’m still new to art journaling, I wondered if anyone else did that sometimes..just leave a page without writing on it. I understand! I think having that blank space there in the middle of the starburst would drive me crazy though…I’d have to put something there, but it’d have to be something really, really good to have that much attention pointed at it! =cD Anyway, they are all awesome, Hanna!

  3. TJ, yes it was a “cake paper” used as stencil, I loved how it turned out. I’m going to go out tomorrow and snap photos of all the snow -I hope for sunshine and cold weather a few more days! :-)

    U2kitteh; yes, some pages are best left alone even though the beginning though was to “add on”, but I agree with you they both need something in the middle… maybe the word of the year…

  4. They are sooo beautiful, Hanna!!

    I can’t wait to get some warm weather up here in Norway. Then I’ll have to get myself some spraypaints, that’s for sure! :D

  5. Oh my heavens, the Bambi one makes my heart skip a beat it’s so fantabulous! Quite possibly the coolest piece of art I’ve seen all month, and I’ve seen some VERY cool art!

    You are seriously tempting me to try my hand at spray paint, but I have no idea how that would work into my apartment life. :)

  6. Nina lives in an apartment too, and carries her stuff to the green area outside her house when the weather permits! Right now everything is covered in white snow, so no spray painting. There are small spray craft bottles on the market I’ve seen, maybe those could be cool to try?

    Besti, I knooow – Bambi is so cute, it’s a little napkin that I decoupaged on there. ♥

  7. fina :)
    kul med spray, eller hur?
    jag glommer hur bortskamd jag ar med min studio i tradgarden… hade jag inte den hade jag ocksa vart tvungen att vanta in varen.

  8. The doily is pure genius! (As usual, clever girl!) Thinking of using your idea on some of those lacey hearts.

    Thank you for a BIG, inspiring splash of color in the grey and rainy week here in Seattle.

    I was moved to pull out the spray paints yesterday and saturate some old book covers with color. GORGEOUS!

    Since it was RAINING – as always – I did it on my balcony, using a big cardboard box as a “spray booth”. Worked great!

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