Quote of the Year: Make your uniqueness tangible

Blogger, writer and crafty podcaster Sister Diane of CraftyPod blog recently introduced (together with some of her friends) the very cool site Making Meaning. It is fabulous, as it covers many of the subjects I’m interested in and write about too.

Rosty rose bucket photo by iHanna (Copyright Hanna Andersson)

Making meaning

It’s a very timely launch if you ask me, as so many of us are not only creating but searching for meaning in what we create and in our lives. In one of her articles, called Mine all mine I found what I think it’s the “Quote of the Year” around here, it just explains it everything perfectly;

I think that when you relax into the experience of making (whether it’s crafting or any other kind), you’re able to take a little piece of your uniqueness, and make it tangible. And in a world where it can be tough to be unique, that’s an awfully powerful experience. No wonder we feel so attached to things we make – they’re living proof that there is something colorful and interesting inside us after all.Sister Diane

Quote of the year if you ask me. What do you think?

Merry Christmas to all of you from me!


14 Responses

  1. I LOVE that quote! Thanks for sharing – it rings so true. :) I just found your site this past weekend, and I must say – I love it! Your creativity is inspiring.

  2. Merry Christmas Hanna. I love this quote! And I also wanted to let you know you’re to blame for me sitting around crocheting pretzels!! :) Happy creations from tj in germany

  3. Oh Hey, You’re back! Hooray! I haven’t stopped by in SUCH a long time, because I thought that you weren’t blogging anymore! But you are! I have some lovely catchup reading to do! Thankyou!

  4. What a wonderful quote and how true it is!

    Merry Christmas Hanna! I got your book as a present from my husband yesterday. I can’t wait to start reading and getting inspired for the new year, a creative year 2010 for me!

    Linda from Finland (though living in Germany at the moment)

  5. Takker for linken, – sitatet traff spikeren p? hodet!
    Alltid hyggelig ? f?lge bloggen din. Gledelig jul og godt nytt ?r til deg!

  6. Hi Hanna! You are back!! :) Welcome back to blogging – I’ve been missing your posts. I hope you are having lovely Christmas moments!

  7. Hope you had a Very Merry Blessed Christmas!!
    Have a Happy Blessed New Years TOo!!

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  8. Wow! I’m so behind on my blog-reading, I just now saw this! I am honored indeed. Thank you for this very kind post. I’m so glad you’re enjoying Make & Meaning. I think you’re right – the time for more of this kind of discussion in our community has arrived. XOXO!

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