Thoughts on Flow and Embroidery This transparent make up bag is a great holder of my embroidery floss – I don’t need to empty it out… Categories iHanna philosophy
Black acrylic background and popping colors Paint some pages in your Art Journal black and come over to the dark side with me! Gee, my black paint… Categories Art journaling/Creativity & Life
Let’s have a TED-Moment… I’ve mentioned the TED Talks to a few friends recently and to my surprise found that one didn’t know what it… Categories Inspiration
10 Ideas for using scraps of Wallpaper Wallpapers could go on the wall, but nah… that’s not what I’m talking about here! There are many interesting things to… Categories Paper Crafting/Thrift & Recycle
Peak in the Art Journal: Orange Cat + Autumn Colors Art Journal spread: Smilla love – on a page with a clear sense of autumn orange and autumn leaf inspiration. I… Categories Art journaling
Knit time: Stock up yarn for Winter Days I’ve cast on for a pair of socks that I’m going to knit a bit on this weekend. Right now it… Categories Crafts/Inspiration
Practice how to draw in your Art Journal too I did not accomplish my goal to fill my handmade Art Journal this summer, but I’m about half way through it… Categories Art journaling/Creativity & Life/Draw & doodle
Random Act of Kindness A Random Act of Kindness, RAK, like those of Amelie in the fabulous and beautiful movie Le Fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain,… Categories Mail bliss
I caught the Teesha Moore Bug – atchoo! After watching (and posting about Teesha Moore’s Art Journal Collage Videos) I was inspired to create a spread in my own… Categories Art journaling/Creativity & Life
Collage Class with Teesha Moore Teesha Moore is a well known Art Journal Guru in the internet world. Her collages are colorful, bright and personal. She… Categories Art journaling/Creative People