Sunday fun | Even more craft tutorials I’d like to present some more links to fun crafty and artsy tutorials here on my blog! This is the last… Categories Inspiration
Felted wool, Sequins and Embroidery on a string Come visit iHanna’s blog and get a bit of the rainbow… Hehe. If you feel a bit gray in your everyday… Categories Crafts/Creativity & Life
Writing and Being – Embracing Your Life through Creative Journaling by Lynn Nelson | Book Review Writing and Being: Embracing Your Life Through Creative Journaling – Heal your past, claim your present and transform your future by… Categories Read a book
Spiral bound notebooks and a day at the market stall I make notebooks for myself, to sell, and to give to friends. This is what happens when I’m in the making-mood:… Categories Journaling & Notebooks/Paper Crafting
How to create layers in your art journal I was going to show you photos of the process of me making a journal page last week, but I got… Categories Art journaling
Sunday fun | Craft tutorials I like (VI) The notes I have made are not a diary in the ordinary sense, but partly lengthy records of my spiritual experiences,… Categories Inspiration
I’m just a Giddy Girl filled with Enthusiasm Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the… Categories Creativity & Life/Fabric & Sewing/Inspiration
Tutorial: How to Handsew a Patchwork Ball Yes, it’s time for a tutorial, don’t you think? I promised this one when I made balls early this summer and… Categories Fabric & Sewing/Tutorials
Craft Tutorials I like – Sunday fun (V) My own brain is to me the most unaccountable of machinery – always buzzing, humming, soaring roaring diving, and then buried… Categories Inspiration
Charming Little Thrift Shop A house in the Swedish country side, a road less traveled. A quick stop when we spot the welcoming sign –… Categories Photography/Thrift & Recycle
Getting things done – book review of David Allen’s GTD-book I have bought and read David Allen’s book Getting things done – the Art of Stress-Free Productivity translated to Swedish and… Categories Digital Life/in list form/Read a book
The Curiosity Bug Infection How is it possible to have this much to say and not write it down when you have the chance? Can… Categories Digital Life