Take a Creative Leap on Leap Day

Today it is Leap Day, an extra day added to our calendars so that we all can fit in more art and play into this year. Isn’t that generous of the Universe? Maybe it’s time to take a creative leap in your own work?

Leap day art card

Today I’ve created my Daily Art Card #60. Can you believe that, sixty 10 x 10 cm art pieces on watercolor paper! I still think this project is rather cool and I like that the pile is growing. I keep my cards in a letter shelf that I painted white in December when I painted the decoupage tray and the inspiration board white too.

Crow about art card

Daily Art Cards

Here are my before and after photos:

Thrifted shelf Re-painted white

The shelf was only 10 SEK at a flea market and then I added some paint. I like the shape of the small compartments and the hooks at the bottom where you can hang stuff.

I have had a lot more struggles Kitten collage I this second month than I did the first month. In January I went into the habit of making my Daily Art Cards. This month though it has been a daily routine I’ve had less inspiration I guess. Worst are late nights when the clock is ticking. Just because it has become a habit doesn’t mean it will be easy every time I sit to make a collage or a drawing. Inspirations come and go, as you all know. But so far I’ve kept at it!

This months I’ve made mostly collages and I have been very inspired by digging into my small tiddybits-box where I store ephemera and tiny pieces for collage. Kitten collage IIA lot of stuff in there comes from paper package gifts and swaps and I love every piece in there. I have stamps from all over the world, patterned papers, stickers and tickets etc.

Yummy paper!

But last Friday I felt especially creative and finally took a leap and made more cards in one day! A huge step away from my Art Journal style and one card per day! I made some collages a little bit larger than the daily ones, and two tiny kitten collages from the paper that was left over. They are only about 8 x 9 centimeters! I love most of the ones I did and I hope to have more of those days during March!

Also today we have My February Inspiration from Flickr, made into a mosaic.

Lots of colors this month, and some hearts!

Inspiration from Flickr February 2008, collected by iHanna for #inspiration

What creative adventures will you indulge yourself with in March? What will your next creative leap be? I hope you are already on the move, because I am!

By by ♥-February and Welcome March!

10 Responses

  1. I look forward to your posts!

    I made some dice not to long after I seen Keri Smiths paper ones. I wanted them to be more permanent so I put them on wooden cubes. I posted them with some of my abc D weekly Wednesday photos. They are in this months blog entries. I also posted a link to Keri Smith’s paper dice.

    Have a God Blessed Creative Healthy Year!!!

  2. The second month of Daily Art Cards was harder for me too. Not the fact that I had to do the cards but I was often lacking inspiration. I’m not giving up though. Hard to believe we’ve already made it through 2 months!


  3. Oh yes, I’m on the move, too! I’m painting again on canvas and I think I’ve started a new mini series, I’m very happy with what I’m creating right now. *^v^*

  4. i love your perspective of leap day. too many people view it as just another day of work.

    as always, so inspiring to come here and see what creative projects you’ve accomplished. You are always up to something artsy or crafty! Your daily art cards are great!!

  5. I know I’ve already commented, but I have a question. Did you name your new little kitty Smilla because of Smilla’s Sense of Snow? or is Smilla a common name in Scandinavia, or does it mean something special, like, ‘Fabulous Flower’ or something? I love the name.

    Could you take a movie of your little kitty and post it here?

    Take care!

  6. You have so many photos on your Flickr!! it’s incredible!

    You are my favorite person ever!!

    well, except for my mom.

    Oh, and my partner.

    But you’re very close to being my favorite person ever!

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