Paper angel, a glass of water and ordinary miracles today

It seems so exceptional
Things just work out after all
It’s just another ordinary miracle today

The sun comes up and shines so bright
It disappears again at night
It’s just another ordinary miracle today

Christmas crafting table photo by iHanna of

I’ve been really sick and that is always awful as you know. I got some kind of ill-willed germ that emptied my stomach and made my body muscles hurt. After one traumatic night I could finally fall asleep, and that felt like coming to heaven. Sleeping is so lovely. I’ve been sleeping heavily for hours and hours and I have not eaten a proper meal yet. I don’t know if I ever want to eat again.

When I drank my first glass of water that felt like the best thing that happened to me this year. It was so delicious, that pure and simple glass of water. When one can’t eat, walk or function one understands how lucky one is after all, in spite of everything.

I have several projects that I want to tell you about, and even some Christmas pages (!) in my art journal that I want to share, but I haven’t been able to sit straight up for a couple of days and now the rest of the family is sick. Maybe tomorrow I’ll write something, maybe not.

Before I became sick I wrote the Christmas cards which made me sad this year. I miss the people I wrote to so much and I would rather go to them and deliver hugs and presents instead of writing postcards from far away. It was hard to keep the Christmas wishes cheerful and happy when I wanted to sob into the cards and damn the circumstances that made this year to what it has been. Next year will have to be a better year, oh how I hope that it will…

Paper Angel  photo by iHanna of

At least I did something fun: I’ve folded a paper angel that fellow blogger Jojo created. I think she is awesome (both Jojo and the paper angel).

I’m listening to Oprah and friends radio – lots of interesting people on, among other Eckhard Tolle!

10 Responses

  1. Oh dear, you sound really sad … It makes us that way doesn’t it when we are ill, everything else looks bleak. You’ll be better in a day or so, and everything will be a lot happier ~ love Julia x

  2. So sorry you and the family are feeling poorly. Over here we would say take two aspirin and have some chicken soup and a nice long sleep. If that doesn’t help, have a hot toddy! But that’s just folk remedies. The best solution is lots of water and lots of rest, which you are doing. Be better soon! The world will look brighter tomorrow!

  3. Oh, no! I’m so sorry you’re feeling ill, especially this time of year! The other commenters are right: the world does look bleak when you’re feeling lousy. Rest and heal, and we’re all sending you bright good-health vibes! And I’m sending you a big hug.

  4. It sounds like you had the same illness with the exact symptoms, that we had, here, across the world, a few weeks ago. Despite how awful it is, there is something very cleansing about getting through an illness like that. Coffee and alcohol always taste awful to me afterwards but water and juice, just right. It takes time to return to normal. Take it easy and enjoy the season.
    Thank you for sharing that angel and link.

  5. This is an illness that has been making the rounds of our area too. I guess it’s just that time of year. Too many things to do, too little time and the body gets rundown. Take good care of yourself and your family and all heal in time for Christmas….

  6. I’m so sorry you were sick! It’s horrible being that ill. You just can’t do anything. And I’m sorry this year has been a bad one – but I’m sure 2008 will be a lot better!

  7. I hope you feel better soon! I hate feeling like that this time of year but when it happens, it happens and it seems that if you surrender to it and try not to stress about what’s not getting done, it will be over with sooner. Take care of yourself! Lots of tea and funny movies!

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