Candle holders with buttons

– Hands up, I’ve got a glue gun now! Ho-ho-ho!

Hands up!

Ingredients for this craft;
Candle holders in glass from IKEA that I found in a thrift shop and buttons, also bought at a thrift store.

Red button candle holder

The amazing glue gun! I haven’t used one of these before but to glue all the buttons on the glass I borrowed a glue gun and had fun!

Button candle holder

As you can see pretty special candle holders! I like em’! You could embelish further with beads, glitter glue or anything that will stick on glass, but I liked them with just the buttons. They shine beautiful through the semi-transparent buttons!

4 button candle holders

Todays inspiration;
a craft set, these journals and the wonderful artist Elsa Mora’s blog. Enjoy!

23 Responses

  1. They look amazing…you have given me the perfect idea for some Christmas gifts! Now, where did I put my buttons?

  2. Men hall?! Allt s?nt l?ser vi ju! =) Vore s? himla shysst och kul om du ville komma! Vi f?r h?ras n?rmare om det! Kramar!

  3. ?h, s? fina! Jag ?lskar limpistoler! Fast man br?nner sig l?tt, men det ?r h?rligt att dra loss limmet fr?n fingrarna efter?t.

  4. Ljuslyktorna blev ju superfina! Tack f?r inspirationen! Nu vet jag vad jag ska g?ra med mina gamla IKEA ljuslyktor. :)

  5. Wow!!! What an idea…. I never knew that buttons can accessorize something so well.. The candle holders are really cool. Thanks for sharing this wonderful idea.

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