Giveaway 2007 – one World one HeART

Is it spring yet?

Marbels in a corner
Where I live there is still a lot of snow, but the sun is shining so I’m happy waiting for the real spring. And this weekend P and me are planning to do a trip to Trondheim – so fun go get away from town for a while!!!

Lisa at the blog Heart of the nest is having a One World, one heART giveaway. I found it via Violette’s blog yesterday, and felt it was a thing I wanted to do too! Give away some of the things I’ve made.
I’ve been online for a couple of years now, and recived so much goodness from all of you, comments and e-mails and presents, so I thought it about time I joined in and had me some good karma! ;-)

The photo turned out realy crappy, but never mind that.

To win just comment on the post and your name will be in the drawing on March 21st, first day of spring. Specify wich items you are interested in please. Pick one or a few or all, I don’t mind. It depends on how many sign up for each item if you can win one or more items! It will be a surprice.

1. Home grown lavender in a home sewn bag. Made by me.

Here is the post about the lavender bags frenzy!

2. Log cabin pin cushion in moms blue fabrics. Made by me.

3. ♥ Art doll by the name Maj. She needs to come to a loving home, read more about her here.

4. Softie cat in lilac fabric with tiny roses on. Made by me.
5. Softie cat in flowery fabric with beads as nose and eyes. Made by me. More about the cats here.

6. The only two ATC’s I have left (or that I could find right now) if anybody is interested.

There are just so many beautiful and magic things that are being given away right now! I’ve signed up for almost all of them, so keep your fingers crossed that I win something on the 21 of March when the big finale drawing is held all over the world. And that you do win too!

One more thing Please feel free to add me to your links or visit my shop before you leave!

Thanks, and have a great day!

49 Responses

  1. Ooh, what a lovely thing to do. I adore your softy cats and would love to have one if I win. Thank you so much for doing this, how kind.

  2. oh what a cool idea!! I love it ^^ crossing my fingers for you in the other draws!
    I love all the things you make, both cats, artdolls and ATC’s :) all very cool!

  3. I would love to give Maj a loving home ;-) What a great idea this is!You are already added in my links.

    Good luck in the draw!

  4. Hej!
    Jag har precis haft en “giveaway” p? min blogg! Och mitt namn blev draget i en annan “giveaway” hos Amy Elise Designs, jag vann j?ttefina sm? kort med kuvert :-) En liten kissekatt skulle jag nog ?nska mig om jag vann h?r, f?r jag ?r tyv?rr allergisk mot riktiga katter…

  5. Mia, just touches my heart, I would be honored to win her…. I also am giving away two dolls from my blog for this giveaway, I do hope you will check them out and sign up….

  6. Hi Hanna,
    Wow–what delicious goodies! You have been very busy! If you want, you can sign me up for drawings for all of them–they are all so beautiful!!! If I had to choose only one drawing, I guess it would be #5–softie cat in floral.

    You are such a sweetie for doing this!!!

    Want to exchange links to each other’s blogs?


  7. What wonderful fun~! I love the pin cushion, the softie cats, and.. oh heck, I love it all! Sign me up!

    xo – Chel

  8. A pincushion near my sewingmachine would be lovely and now you give us all a chance to get something from your world full of creativity and kindness.I wish you the best.
    Ulla in the north of Sweden

  9. A lovley idea, a cat or an ATC please. I’m really curious about ATC’s I’ve never actually seen one. Crossing my fingers. Have linked to you.

  10. you sweet thing. I love calling by your blog because I am always surprised by what you are up to and leave with a smile. most of all I love that you and your mum are such good friends – I like to think that one day my daughter martha and i might be posting about the things we have made together and maybe selling them too – she is so creative.
    so – if I have a chance of having a bit of you in the north of england, one of those cats would like to come and live in my shed I am sure.
    take care and thank you

  11. Oh, anything would be lovely….home grown lavender, that would be wonderful!

    Hope you have visited me to enter my drawing??

    thank you!!

  12. Please enter my name in your drawing, I would love to win your lovely handmade goodies….come by and enter mine as well….

  13. Smukke ting du har til din give-away, pincusion, ATCs or the flowery cat, alle er v?ldigt s?de. Jeg har bloglinet dig, for jeg kan rigtig godt lide din blog.

  14. my 6 yr old son loves the little kitties you made! He has insisted i put him in for the drawing! (Not that I would be unhappy to win them for myself!) ::smiles::

  15. How generous of you! I would be so happy to have a lavender bag.
    I enjoy your blog.
    Thank you

  16. I’d love to win a kitty cat. their sooo cute. Please enter me in your drawing. Have you visited my site for my drawing ? Please stop by if you haven’t.

  17. You are so generous and talented! These gifts are wonderful! I would give that little ~blue cat~ the best home as I have 3 felines.. my babies! I blog about them and in fact I am celebrating my 1 yr. blogging and yes our world of bloggers are a wonderful commnunity ~sharing one heart!~ Nice to meet you.. come over and *enter my draw for gifts* Good luck to me and to everyone else! :(NG

  18. Such wonderful giveaways!! Please enter my name into your draw:-) If you haven’t already done so, please come visit me and enter my draw as well! xox

  19. Such lovely items you’re giving away! Please put my name in the hat! Happy Spring!! Our snow is finally melting here in Minnesota:)

  20. 1, 2 4, and 6 I just love lavender and kitties!Please enter me in your drawing. Thanx soo much. :)

  21. I would like to enter your contest please! I would like to win Maj…….now i’m having a menopausal moment…did i already enter?

    love violette

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