Valborg in the countryside

Nya v?nner / New friends (Photo by iHanna - Hanna Andersson)

I’ve been sewing this weekend (pictures will come soon). And yesterday it was Valborgsmässoafton, a day when we celebrate that spring is coming to us here in the north. Finally. Valborg is always on the last day of April, to welcome May.

We went to our friends beautiful house in the countryside and barbequed. Mmm! I got to hold Daniel’s little lizard, called Electra (with her magic eyes and colourfull skin), and also meet Marina’s beautiful horse Spotty!

After dinner we took a walk to see the big bonfire (where the kids lit firecrackers and Daniel a cracker car – fun!) and drink coffee there. It was such a lovley night.




What a great and relaxing weekend. Crafting, walking, meating friends. And tonight Maria and I had this years first coffee at the balcony – and then made a big order at for craftbooks. Three for her and six books for me! Hurray for birthdaymoney! :-)

4 Responses

  1. Such a great weekend Hanna, hoping to introduce a lovely and productive may.. I love your photos, as usual.
    p.s. brave girl, you are not scared of lizard, are you?

  2. Wow, what an amazing looking horse! It’s almost giraffe-like. And the name is perfect. What else could you name a horse that looks like that?

    Also, though there aren’t any picture of her in this entry, I wanted to say I think Smilla is beautiful.

  3. Hej Hanna, nu har jag sent omsider skaffat flickr konto (fast inte pro, ?n). Och jag t?nker och klurar och undrar hur man g?r f?r att s?tta ihop flera bilder, som exempelvis den du har h?r ovan med h?sten etc. Tyv?rr har jag inte kommit p? hur man g?r … g?r det att g?ra direkt, eller beh?ver man ladda ner ngt program, eller g?r man det f?rst i ett annat program “hemma” p? datorn, eller m?ste man ha pro?

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