Cinnamon, roses & lingonberries

Presenting: Photos that smell lovely – from this week. This Sunday we went bouldering in the forest. Here are some pictures:

One blue and one red
The smell of the forest…


Maria & Carola

And the autumn is getting closer, I spotted some yellow in the forest:
Yellow leaf

This is what I created last week:

Cinnamon buns

Cinnamon buns!

Mr P got lots of beautiful flowers on his birthday. This is one of my favorites:

Pink Lizard

The lizard decoration thing smells strongly of strawberries…

and this one:

Almost like a wedding bouquet – from the guys!

Which is your favorite? Thanks for commenting!

14 Responses

  1. those cinnamon rolls look so delicious.

    Everything looks wonderful, I wish we had more of an autumn season here, I love the colors… it’s not as wonderful in California as on the east coast.

  2. I like the baking, too. And the blueberry, and the flowers and…oh, I can’t choose!

  3. It’s hard to choose they are all so wonderful but I think I like the fushia flower and the autumn leaf the best!

  4. I love all of the pictures, but the cinnamon rolls probably are at the top of the list… Now I need to go make some. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. Oh, that food looks yummy! I love to cook, but unfortuneately haven’t found the same passion for baking – I’m really impressed by bakers! And those flowers are gorgeous.

  6. I love the picture of the red berries, and also the cinnamon rolls; they are making me hungry!
    No autumn colours here in Japan yet, but I’m looking forward to them. When the Japanese maple trees go red they look spectacular, I’ll have to post some pictures.

  7. so beautiful pictures! I can literally smell it all, it’s like my grandmothers kitchen when I was younger (she doesn’t bake anymore)! what a luck I bake myself ;)
    do you make lingonsylt? Every time I go to Sweden, I have to buy a big pack of it for my porridge :D

    hugs Elisabeth

  8. Hi Hanna,

    …do you have a recipy ( or however you spell it;-) ) for the cinnamon rolls??? I have been after this for ages…….!!! I would be very happy if you could give it to me…..!!!!



  9. Unfair! We don’t even have a spot of autumn here in Stockholm yet! It’s summer green and 20 degrees out! I’m suffocating!

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