Art Journal page: Experience

I know some of you have been wondering what happened to the Art journal after I read Perrella’s book one thousand times? Well, I’ve been making an entry in my Art journal almost every day for two months now. I love it. I’ll try to post some of them from time to time.

I do one page most days, so this spread is two different collages.

Page 1. Both fabric and cut out pictures, my journaling and thoughts about the day. I think this was my first try at using fabric in the journal. Fun! Easy to glue on and nice to use some of all the beautiful fabrics laying around. Makes you want to touch the page.

Page 2. Using one of my marbled pages and a picture with a girl doing yoga this is about inner peace, a peace that I found when staying with my parents not thinking about the future. Very nice. The big number you can spot on the page is my age, at least until tomorrow when I get one year older again…

9 Responses

  1. Very inspiring for us all.
    A good idea to catch the day and be both abstract and realistic when you create.Perhaps you can find something you even have hidden for yourself.Fascinating.Symbols you know……
    ulla in the north of Sweden

  2. What a wonderful idea! Now I want to try that with my journal. I’ve tried to use pencils and markers and stickers and stuff, but it just wasn’t me. A collage would also be a great way to reuse some of the magazines lying around my place. Thanks!

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