Haddock the Dog

My friend Ellinor has started a kind of craft club, so this week we’ve had fika and a general craft night together. The only one not crafting, but asking for lots of attention, was the dog, Haddock. He licked my arm, whined and jumped around when ever I talked to him. Cheeky but cute. I liked him.

Tobias was making a baby quilt out of scraps of fabric.

Ellinor was repairing holes in mittens and socks – impressive right?

Fia had been crafting the fika before we came, which were scones and tea, so while we got a head with the doings she browsed through this years catalouge from Panduro (a company originally from Denmark) – and told us what se liked and disliked. They have way to much “kits” and semi-manufactured articles that leaves no room for your own thinking, that is what I think. But of course I wouldn’t mind a gift certificate there…

Self portrait. I made a pattern from a sweater I like, and started to cut out the pieces from the blue stretch fabric! We’ll see what happens next.

Haddock wanted to come sit in my lap, but was to big.