Christmas Food Odyssey

Advent Candles

The Advent Candles are burning down and Christmas is almost over. I took some food photos, since I am @sweden this week and I feel responsible to share what I can! I thought you’d want to at least see some of the traditional Swedish food we have at our table every year. A few things missing but almost all is there this year. Come along on a odyssey of Swedish Christmas food, but don’t ask me for details or a recipe, because I didn’t do the cooking. Dad did most of it!

Swedish Christmas Table
The table is set…

Swedish Christmas Food
…and the food is waiting. It’s a smörgåsbord of different things. We call it julbord (Christmas smorgasbord!).

Swedish Christmas Food
But first some warm glögg and pepparkakor (gingerbread cookies), with mashed blue cheese.

Swedish Christmas Food
Then it’s time to pick and choose. I don’t eat it all, but took photos of everything this year!

Swedish Christmas Food
Often we start with the sill, swimming in onions. It’s pickled herring is served cold and is homemade by my dad.

Swedish Christmas Ham
Swedish Christmas Ham
The most important thing on the table is the Christmas ham, grilled in the owen. Sorry if you’re a pig – or vegan, but it’s true.

Swedish Christmas Food

Swedish Christmas Food
Meatballs and sausage, “for the children”.

Swedish Christmas Food
Christmas sausages.

Swedish Christmas Food
Salmon rolls.

Swedish Christmas Food
New on our table for the year, some kind of herring cake.

Swedish Christmas Strömmingslåda
Another fish dish, with herring.

Swedish Christmas Collard
Collard and cream is totally yummy!

Swedish Christmas Brussel sprouts
Brussel sprouts. My personal favorite and the only thing I asked for.

Swedish Chrispbread
Knäckebröd = hard crispbread.

Swedish Christmas Food
Vörtbröd = spicy Christmas bread, baked by mom.

Swedish Christmas Food
This is my first plate, almost all my favorites there.

Swedish Christmas Food
I also really enjoy dark bread with ham and mustard. I think this is very traditional.

Swedish Cheese Cake
When you think you can’t eat anything more there is always room for dessert, right? This year we had Swedish Cheescake (ostkaka) with whipped cream and raspberry jam.

Eating is the big thing for grown up on Christmas, the gifts that Santa brings the main thing for the kids. So we celebrate on the Eve, but went to my mom’s mother on Christmas Day. Here are photos from that dinner too! Don’t give up yet…

Christmas Day

Row of Santas
A row of Santas waiting for their dinner.

Christmas Day Dinner
Christmas Day dinner time!

Grandmother style
My funny grandmother didn’t have any christmassy glasses, so she decorated the ones she had with stickers!

Christmas Day turkey
Turkey (spelled with a small t because it’s a bird not a country)! ;-)

Christmas Day Potatoes
Potatoes goes with everything.

Christmas Day Dinner
More brussel sprouts, yay!

After dinner I walked the dog, and took deep breaths of air out in the slow falling snow

Christmas Day Coffee
When I came back it was finally time for coffee before starting the car ride home. I fell a sleep in the car.

Christmas Day Fika
With the coffe: soft gingerbread cake, saffron bread and jam cookies.

I am not a food blogger even though I had a category for the occasional food mood posts (now a tag). Still I hope you enjoyed this photo food odyssey of traditional Christmas food of Sweden… Read more about julbordet at Visit Sweden.

That’s it. What is your favorite food at Christmas?

8 Responses

  1. This has been a fascinating look at Christmas food traditions from Sweden.

  2. i’ve been intruiged by Swedish culture for a long time, especially Christmas traditions, so this post was so fun for me to read! thanks for sharing.

  3. What a lovely set of pictures. It looks like a yummy time was had by all. :-)

    Congratulations for being chosen to tweet for @sweden, that’s amazing!

    Happy New Year!

  4. We had ham this year, cooked in cola which is not as disgusting as it sounds. However last year we cooked it in cherry cola which was much better.

    See we don’t deep fry everything in Scotland. That is just a myth!

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