Owl journal revisited: I painted it pink!

Pink Owl Journal close up

Do you remember the leather journal my mother bought for me in Lithuania? I have been so into the moleskine brand that I haven’t used this one yet. It’s been resting in the notebook bin for a few months.

Then at Easter I finally decided to give the blank pages a try. I’m about to finish my peanut diary, and because I don’t have an empty molly waiting I decided it was the owl journal’s time to shine…

But first I had to do something about that cover!

Leather journal with owl
Remember the one?

I just don’t like the look of leather. Or the feel. So I painted it pink using my ordinary acrylic paints. I painted it twice, and then covered the whole thing with a glossy varnish.

Pink Owl Journal

Now it’s a journal that I love. I’m sure others would’ve left it brown and natural, but I like to alter notebooks. You can check out previously pimped covers for more inspiration.

Now, I need to go write a few pages in it.

7 Responses

    • Thanks for leaving a comment!

      Marit, I think you would’ve kept it, hehe, you wouldn’t have seen the pink version if you liked the first one enough to keep it. It’s a good thing that we are all different and that it’s allowed to change some things to you own liking! :-)

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